Tag Archive for Palestinians Lebanon

Op-Ed: A look at Lebanon’s apartheid of their Palestinians

As a multitude of NGOs routinely accuse Israel of an imagined ‘apartheid’, for decades they’ve strategically ignored the Palestinians in Lebanon, who still live in forced poverty and barred from obtaining many professions and citizenship.

By Ben-Dror Yemini


It isn’t very often that we get an opportunity to see the “Palestinian problem” from a different angle. There is a problem. It’s even a very serious problem. But it has nothing to do with Israel.

Yes, the Nakba happened. [Some] People were expelled. Around 700,000 Arab residents of Palestine became refugees. They weren’t alone. Tens of millions of people became refugees during the same years. Continue Reading »

Lebanese PM rebukes possibility of citizenship to ‘Palestinian refugees’

Responding to reports that the Trump peace initiative has the hosting mid-East countries granting their so-called “Palestinian refugees” citizenship, Lebanon’s Foreign Minister says his country will never agree.
– UNRWA accepts donations to aid  449,957 “Palestinian refugees” in Lebanon, but official 
Lebanese count stands at 174,422.

By Dalit Halevi


Lebanon’s Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil says his country will never agree to grant Lebanese citizenship to so-called “Palestinian refugees”, in response to reports that the US government would like the countries hosting the “refugees” to grant them citizenship.

“Even if the entire world agrees to naturalization, we will never agree to that, and just as we defeated Israel by removing its occupation [from Lebanon in 2000], we will defeat it with regard to the naturalization plan and the right of return that will remain sacred,” Bassil said in an interview with Lebanese newspaper Al Joumhouria. Continue Reading »

Lebanese Apartheid marks 69 years of Palestinian discrimination in every aspect of daily life

On Monday, Palestinian descendants of those who fled to Lebanon will mark 69 years of Apartheid, when 6 Arab armies couldn’t stop the creation of the State of Israel, leaving them to suffer discrimination in nearly every aspect of daily life by the hands of fellow Arabs.

By The Associated Press


Ahmad Dawoud recalls the day 10 years ago when a Lebanese soldier asked to search his taxi. Then 17, the Palestinian didn’t wait for the soldier to find the weapons hidden in the trunk.

He jumped from the car and fled into the nearby Palestinian refugee camp, where the Lebanese army has no authority. Continue Reading »