Tag Archive for Turks

Al Quds Al Arabi Publishes, “Anti-Jewish Slogans Are Not Islamic”

Al Quds Al Arabi, pre­vi­ously known for its hos­tile posi­tions toward Israel, changed its own­er­ship & editor last year. These changes may explain the deci­sion to repub­lish the article.

By Anti-Defamation League blog


The deci­sion to re-publish a cri­tique of anti-Semitism by Al Quds Al Arabi, the third largest cir­cu­lated off­shore pan-Arab news­pa­per accord­ing to the Carnegie Endow­ment for Inter­na­tional Peace, could sig­nal a move toward greater plu­ral­ism and diver­sity of views in the Arab press, which is often dom­i­nated by anti-Jewish and anti-Israel narratives.al-quds-al-arabi-sinem-tezyaparin-jew

Al Quds Al Arabi Publishes “Anti-Jewish Slogans Are Not Islamic” by  Turk­ish jour­nal­ist Sinem Tezya­parin in Sep­tem­ber 2013

Al Quds Al Arabi Publishes “Anti-Jewish Slogans Are Not Islamic” by Turk­ish jour­nal­ist Sinem Tezya­parin

Arab jour­nal­ism has been a major plat­form for impor­tant debate and dis­cus­sion about the ques­tion of reli­gious intol­er­ance in con­nec­tion with dis­crim­i­na­tion against Mus­lims and the defama­tion of Islam. Continue Reading »

Do Stones & Trees REALLY Command Muslims to Kill Jews?

If a Muslim should see a Jewish child hiding behind a stone & suddenly a mysterious voice comes from that stone, one can safely presume that he is suffering from an auditory hallucination.



If someone tells me, “Come here, there is a Jew here, come and kill him,” I would regard this individual as a psychopath, as no rational Muslim would do that. Even if the Jewish person in question is someone who has committed a crime, he should be put on trial and sentenced by a judge. There is a legal system and he would be punished for the particular crime he commits. Continue Reading »

Educating Muslims on the Qur’an

Turkish activist says hatred of Jews in Muslim world stems from misinterpretation of Qur’an

Sinem Tezyapar


Anti-Jewish slogans of an Egyptian Muslim cleric and past statements by President Morsi to “nurse our children and our grandchildren on hatred” for Jews have come to the fore in the recent days. As it is well-known, anti-Jewish propaganda is not limited to Egypt. Millions of Muslims all over the Middle East have been conditioned to regard Jews not only as the enemies of them but also of all humanity, and hatred for Jews can be found even in textbooks of children going to kindergarten. Continue Reading »

A Turkish perspective on the Shoah

As Muslims, as Turks and as much as we want the welfare of humanity, we want the Jews to live in peace as well.



When people of reason and conscience look back on the subject of Shoah (otherwise known as the Holocaust) today, it is common to hear questions like: “How could a nation of philosophers, composers of classical music, technology, poets, in this seat of the Enlightenment itself, suddenly give place to savagery not seen since the Dark Ages? How could such dreadful, inhumane impulses seize every apparatus of a nation and cause it to commit such atrocities?” Continue Reading »