Tag Archive for wounded

2 Druze from Golan Heights Indicted for Murder of Wounded Syrian

view videoGag order lifted: The 2 individuals, a 48 yr-old woman & a 22 yr-old man from Majdal Shams were among those who ambushed an IDF ambulance in route to hospital & beat the 2 wounded Syrians, killing one.

By Ido Ben Porat


A 22-year-old man and a 48-year-old woman from Majdal Shams in northern Israel have been indicted for murdering a wounded Syrian and critically injuring another in late June.

A gag order on the developments in the case was lifted Monday.

The two are Amal Abu Salah and Bashira Muhammad, who were documented on video among the dozens of Druze who chased down a military ambulance that passed near Majdal Shams, took out the wounded Syrians and beat them wildly. Continue Reading »

IDF: Arab Male Wounded After He Jumped Border Fence

The suspected terrorist was shot & wounded by the IDF during an arrest on Tuesday afternoon after trying to jump a border fence.

By Kochava Rozenbaum


New reports indicate a suspected terrorist was shot and wounded during an arrest procedure by Israel Defense Force personnel after attempting to cross a border fence.

IDF in action – Photo courtesy: IDF Spokesman’s Unit

The army identified the terrorist with a group of Palestinian Arabs attempting to jump the fence near the Oranit checkpoint.

The soldiers called out for the suspects to stop, but they ignored the calls, leading the soldiers to open fire. Continue Reading »