In a speech in Istanbul, the Turkish President claimed, “Israel kills children that play on the beach,” and condemned a new Israeli law that forbids the use of outdoor loud-speakers blasting the ‘call for prayer’ in residential areas from 11 p.m.- 7 a.m. threatening “a sufficient response to all who think to prevent the sound of the Muezzin in Al-Aksa and Jerusalem.”
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatened Monday that his nation will not stand idly by in regard to the silencing of the Muezzin in Jerusalem. Referencing the proposed Muezzin Bill.
“We will have a sufficient response to all who think to prevent the sound of the Muezzin in Al- Aksa and Jerusalem.”
In a speech that the Turkish President gave during the opening ceremony on the International Forum on al-Quds Waqf in Istanbul, he emphasized that the new Hamas Charter is able to bring about a solution to the Palestinian issue and end the inter-Palestinian conflict.
“There is no peace in the region without the Jerusalem and Palestinian issue being solved,” Erdogan said. He emphasized that the US needs to take back their intention of transferring the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. “Turkey opposes the transfer of the embassy,” he clarified.
Erdogan also said, that his nation supports diplomatic efforts for the Palestinian issue. According to him, the first and last condition to a solution on the Palestinian issue is “the establishment of an independent state in the 1967 borders.
The Turkish president condemned “the Israeli crimes against the Palestinians.” He added, “Israel kills children that play on the beach, and there is no power that deters it or forces it to stop this policy.”
Erdogan called for all Muslims in the world to ascend on Jerusalem’s holy areas. “26,000 Turks visit Jerusalem every year,” Erdogan said.
“Ankara is doing all in its power to achieve peace and for Jerusalem to return to host all the monotheistic religions. the Al- Aksa Mosque is the third holiest Mosque in the Islamic religion, and Jerusalem needs to be in the heart of every Muslim.”
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