Tag Archive for IMPACT-se

MPs ask Parliament, ‘Why continue financing Palestinian incitement?’

UK MPs demand Palestinian and UNRWA schools immediately stop using textbooks that incite hatred against Jews and Israel, lamenting that, “directly or indirectly, UK aid has helped to finance [it].”



Palestinian Authority and UNRWA schools continue to use textbooks that radicalize children against Israel, parliamentarians in the UK, a major donor to the PA, lamented on Tuesday.

Official logos to six different UNRWA financed schools that include the UN logos along with map of Israel replaced by Palestine demonstrates their ultimate goal. – Photos: ElderOfZiyon.blogspot.

MP Jonathan Gullis, who initiated the debate with Minister of State James Cleverly, displayed a reading comprehension textbook for 10-year-olds, which praised Dalal al-Mughrabi, who killed 38 Israelis, including 13 children, on a bus in 1978. Continue Reading »