Tag Archive for Sa’ar 6

Israel’s newest corvette missile ship arrives from Germany

It will take around 18 months for Israel to complete installing the latest technologies and weapons systems, 90% of which are uniquely Israeli-made, on the INS Magen, the newest and most technologically advanced Sa’ar 6 class corvette missile ship.

By Arutz Sheva Staff


At the conclusion of a long process of construction and extensive preparation in Germany, the new Saar 6 warship will run up the Israeli flag on Wednesday as it is officially transferred to the Israeli navy. It will then set out on a journey that will end with its renaming as INS Magen in its new home in the Haifa base. Continue Reading »

Israel Navy engineers made the next Sa’ar 6 missile ship stealthy


Since the newest Sa’ar 6 missile corvettes will have to deal with Hezbollah’s radar-guided shore-to-sea missiles, engineers redesigned it with a low radar signature.



When German engineers from ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems, who are building Israel’s next-generation Sa’ar-6 class missile corvette, showed Israel Navy engineers the first blueprints for the strategically vital vessel, the Israelis realized there was a problem.

Israel IDF Navy anti-missile systems Eilat Class Sa’ar Corvette with helicopter on helipad

The plans outlined a ship based on Germany’s own sea platforms, and was similar in design. Yet Israel must deal with a far more challenging environment, in which Hezbollah is stockpiling radar-guided shore-to-sea missiles that can target the navy, offshore gas drilling rigs in the Mediterranean and strategically vital sites, such as civilian sea ports – just the type of threat the Sa’ar-6 will be designed to counter. Continue Reading »