Tag Archive for Air India

Anti-Israel lawyer jailed for racist rant on Air India flight, found dead

The 50 yr-old rabid anti-Israel Irish lawyer/activist who was jailed for 6 months after a drunken, racist incident onboard an Air India flight to London has been found dead on an English beach.

By Cnaan Liphshiz, JTA,


A disgraced anti-Israel activist from Britain who was jailed for staging a rowdy and racist scene aboard an airplane was found dead in what police are treating as a suicide.

The lifeless body of Simone Burns, 50, also known as Simone O’Broin, was found last month on a beach, the Daily Telegraph reported Thursday. Sussex Police confirmed her death “is not being treated as suspicious” and next of kin have been informed, the report said. Continue Reading »

Irish BDS activist awarded 6 months jail for racist tantrum on flight

Simone O’Broin, 50, a Northern Irish barrister and BDS activist, was sentenced to 6 months in prison for her racist, drunken assault and threatening an Air India crew with a boycott.

By Marcy Oster, JTA


A British activist promoting boycotts against Israel was sentenced to six months in jail for her drunken racist tirade on an Air India flight.

Simone O’Broin was filmed on the flight last November threatening to organize a boycott against Air India unless flight attendants served her more wine on the flight, that ended with her arrest.

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Air India makes historic first commercial trans-Saudi airspace flight to Israel

As Air India Flight AI139 rolled to a halt at Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion International Airport, Israeli Transport Minister Yisrael Katz said,”This is a historic moment,” recognizing Saudi Arabia’s first official pro-Israel agreement.



Air India launched on Thursday the first scheduled service to Israel to be allowed to cross Saudi airspace, a sign of a behind-the-scenes improvement in ties between the Arab kingdom and the Jewish state.

Flight AI 139 landed at Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion airport about 30 minutes after its scheduled arrival time of 1945 GMT.

An Air India Boeing 777-300ER  – Photo: Wikimedia Commons

“This is a historic moment,” Israeli Transport Minister Yisrael Katz told AFP on the tarmac as the Boeing Dreamliner rolled to a halt. Continue Reading »

HISTORIC: Saudi Arabia allows Air India direct flights to Israel over its airspace

Israel’s PM Netanyahu announced from Washington on Monday that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has granted Air India rights to overfly it en route to Israel, ending its decades long opposition.

By i24NEWS


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed on Monday that Saudi Arabia has given Air India permission to use its airspace on flights to Tel Aviv, confirming weeks of speculation and signaling a small but unprecedented step in thawing relations between Israel and some Arab states.

El Al destination Map – IridianD

Netanyahu revealed the news in a briefing with Israeli reporters in Washington DC shortly after his meeting with US President Donald Trump. Continue Reading »

Report: PM Modi to seek direct India-Israel flights over Saudi Arabia airspace

Having already inked an impressive series of bilateral agreements between PM Netanyahu and PM Narendra Modi, the Indian leader will now seek to enable Air India to fly over Saudi skies to Israel, thereby cutting flight time by 2 hours, lowering fuel costs and ticket prices that should boost the number of flights and increase tourism.

By Itamar Eichner


A major Indian airline may begin operating direct return flights to Israel which will include a navigation route above Saudi Arabia as part of the further consolidation of diplomatic ties between Jerusalem and New Delhi.

PM Netanyahu and PM Modi at India’s India-Israel Business Summit – Photo: אבי אוחיון, לע״מ/Facebook

On Monday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is currently in the midst of a six-day trip to India, extolled the 25 years of diplomatic relations between Israel and India, boasting that the two sides had already signed nine agreements covering cooperation in cyber security, space and oil and gas exploration. Continue Reading »

Air India begins direct Israel-New Delhi flights in May


India’s largest airline, Air India, announces three weekly direct flights between New Delhi, Tel Aviv to begin in May, to augment the only current direct Israel-New Delhi flights that are via El Al.
• Also, Tus Airways of Cyprus launches its new direct flights from Athens to Haifa.

By Ilan Gattegno, Daniel Siryoti & Israel Hayom Staff


India’s largest airline, Air India, on Thursday announced plans to launch direct flights between Tel Aviv and New Delhi, saying that it plans to have three weekly flights on the route, which is expected to become operational in May.

The route is expected to serve the increasing number of Indian tourists visiting Israel and Israelis traveling to India as a result of the strong ties developed between the two countries. Continue Reading »