Tag Archive for Foreign Affairs Committee

US Rep. Ilhan Omar proposes new pro-BDS resolution, reports on trip to Israel

Omar’s pro-BDS resolution is retaliatory, a response to the House Foreign Affairs Committee moving forward with 5 pro-Israel bills, two of them, bills that will not only sanction supporters of Hamas (such as herself), but will also supplement improvements to Israel’s defense & security.



WASHINGTON – US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota) put forth a new pro-BDS resolution in Congress “affirming that all Americans have the right to participate in boycotts in pursuit of civil and human rights at home and abroad, as protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution.”

The freshman congresswomen has become a focal point of anti-Israel and antisemitic sentiment, following numerous controversial comments regarding Israel. Continue Reading »

Watch: Congressman concerned over US aid to Palestinians used as payments to convicted killers


view videoWatch Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee outraged that financial assistance to the Palestinians is used to pay killers, inciting more and more to murder Jews, which is sustained indirectly with US foreign aid.


WASHINGTON — Members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee agreed on Wednesday to strategize an end to a Palestine Liberation Organization program that offers monthly stipends to convicted murderers and terrorists.

Chairman Royce’s Opening Statement at Hearing on Financially Rewarding Terrorism in the West Bank
At a hearing on the matter, Democratic and Republican members vowed to coordinate on closing a loophole in US foreign aid to the Palestinian Authority, which allows parent and subsidiary Palestinian organizations, such as the PLO, to continue the decade-old practice.
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US cuts $80 million from Palestinian aid amid wave of PA inspired terror


Washington based Arab media quotes congressional sources saying aid cut was a “message” to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, along with US House Foreign Affairs Committee voting unanimously to condemn Abbas & other Palestinian leaders for their continued anti-Israel incitement.

By Yoni Herschel


Terrorism doesn’t pay: Against the backdrop of the ongoing wave of Palestinian terrorism, the Obama administration has decided to cut financial aid to the Palestinian Authority by 22% (amounting to $80 million).

An Al-Monitor report quoted congressional sources describing the cut as a “message” to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas regarding Palestinian incitement against Israel.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas – Photo: AP

According to the report, the State Department notified U.S.

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U.S. Foreign Affairs Committee approves expanded Hezbollah sanctions

Hezbollah is already subject to sanctions as a designated terrorist group, but this bill extends such sanctions to 3rd parties supporting them.



WASHINGTON  – The House Foreign Affairs Committee approved legislation designed to keep international financial institutions from conducting business with Hezbollah.

John Kerry Testifies at House Foreign Affairs Committee -  Photo: Mark Wilson/Getty Images North America

John Kerry Testifies at House Foreign Affairs Committee [archive] – Photo: Mark Wilson/Getty Images

The Hezbollah International Financing Prevention Act of 2014, introduced by U.S. Reps. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) and Brad Schneider (D-Ill.), includes a provision to sanction foreign financial institutions that knowingly facilitate the activities of the Lebanese militia and party.

Hezbollah already is subject to sanctions as a designated terrorist group.

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