Tag Archive for Gilad Shaar

PA doubles ‘Pay to Slay’ pensions for Palestinian murderer of 3 Israeli teens

While in Israel, the public is holding memorial events marking the 5th anniversary of the kidnapping and brutal murder of three Jewish teenagers, Mahmoud Abbas has doubled the PA’s monthly ‘Pay to Slay’ payments to the mastermind behind the barbaric terror-attack.

By Mordechai Sones


Thursday marks five years since the arrest of Husam Al-Qawasmi, who planned the murder of Eyal Yifrach, (19), Gilad Shaar, (16), and Naftali Fraenkel, (16).

Al-Qawasmi was arrested on July 11, 2014 and subsequently convicted for planning the kidnapping and murder of the teens. Having now served five years in prison, as of today his salary is being doubled by the PA, jumping from 2,000 shekels/month to 4,000 shekels/month. Continue Reading »

HBO set to premiere show that led to 2014 Gaza War

The HBO miniseries follows the investigation of a brutally murdered Palestinian boy that was killed the day after the funerals of 3 Jewish teenagers that were kidnapped and later murdered by Hamas members, while hitchhiking home after school.



HBO is set to release the premiere of a series called Our Boys on August 12. The show will be a ten episode drama on the events leading up to the 2014 Gaza War, Deadline reported.

Three Israeli teenagers were kidnapped and later killed while hitchhiking to their homes in the West Bank. A day after the Jewish boys’ funerals. Continue Reading »

American Judge Rules Jewish Blood is Cheap

Judge Rosemary Collyer in Washington, DC ruled that the parents of a murdered Israeli teen could sue Iran & Syria for providing material support to the Palestinian terrorists who brutally butchered 3 Jewish teens, but that the amount of compensation would be a mere $4.1 million, not the $341 million sought.

By Ryan Jones


Palestinian leaders have been saying it for years. While they feign condemnation of terrorist attacks against Israelis, they almost always immediately justify such violence as a “natural reaction” to the presence of these Jewish “settlers.”

In a worrying turn of events, a US district court this week seemed to at least partially agree with the Palestinians on this matter. Continue Reading »