Tag Archive for Taylor Force

Senate Hearing to end Palestinian ‘Pay for Slay’ begins Wednesday, Democrats stand opposed

The bill, named after the slaughtered American, Taylor Force, to be discussed in the US Senate would cut aid to the Palestinian Authority should it continue paying huge monthly stipends to jailed terrorists or deceased terrorists’ families, but the Democrats stand opposed.



WASHINGTON – The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee will hold its first hearing this week on a bill that would cut aid to the Palestinian Authority if it continues to pay stipends to terrorists and to the families of deceased terrorists.

The bill, titled the Taylor Force Act, was introduced by Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, and has earned mostly Republican support. Continue Reading »

Netanyahu, AIPAC mum over U.S. Congress’ Taylor Force Act


Israeli leaders, along with AIPAC are maintaining their neutrality by not commenting on Congressional bill that would defund the Palestinian Authority over its monthly payments scheme to families of murderers of Israelis.



WASHINGTON — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Washington’s largest Israel advocacy organization are withholding support for a Senate bill that would defund the Palestinian Authority over its “martyr” compensation scheme, which provides the families of convicted murderers and terrorists in Israel with monthly stipends.

The Taylor Force Act, named after a former US Army officer murdered by a Palestinian assailant in Israel last year, would require the State Department cut funds to the PA should it fail to end the program. Continue Reading »

Taylor Force Bill would stop US funding to Palestinians if they continue stipends for terrorists


The Taylor Force Act is named after the former US Army officer who was stabbed to death by a Palestinian during a knifing rampage in Jaffa.
– Senator Lindsey Graham, “The Palestinians need to decide – do they condemn these horrible acts or do they reward them? You can’t be a partner in peace when you are paying people to commit terrorist acts.”



WASHINGTON – Republican lawmakers reintroduced a bill on Tuesday that would eliminate US funding for the Palestinian Authority critical to the organization’s ability to operate if it continues providing stipends to terrorists and their families. Continue Reading »