Tag Archive for UK

Ex-MI head Amos Yadlin delayed at Heathrow by UK authorities


An old Turkish arrest warrant due to ‘Marmara massacre’ held up Israel’s former MI chief Yadlin an London’s Heathrow airport. 45 minutes later immigration officers granted him entry.

By Itamar Eichner


Military Intelligence Chief Amos Yadlin was held up for 45 minutes in London’s Heathrow International Airport, due to a standing warrant for his arrest issued by a Turkish court due to his “responsibility for the Mavi Marmara incident,” referring to the IDF takeover of the 2010 Gaza flotilla, in which nine Turkish nationals were killed.

Amos Yadlin - Photo courtesy שבתרבות

Amos Yadlin – Photo courtesy שבתרבות


After the airport’s immigration officers made inquiries with the British Foreign Office, they let Yadlin enter the country to continue his visit as planned. Continue Reading »

With UK Retreat, France Supports U.S. Military Intervention in Syria

U.S. initiative to intervene militarily in Syria was received with French backing following the British parliament’s rejection of UK forces participation in the U.S.-led offensive.

By Ari Soffer


French President Francois Hollande gave a boost Friday to US hopes of forging an international coalition for possible strikes against Syria after British lawmakers rejected any involvement in military action.

UN Chemical weapons experts inspecting site of attack in Syria – Reuters

The White House had signalled Thursday that President Barack Obama, guided by the “best interests” of the United States, was ready to go it alone on Syria after deadly chemical weapons attacks last week.  Continue Reading »

Israel steaming after UK justifies Hezbollah’s terrorism


UK’s ambassador to Lebanon said Europe does not view Hezbollah ‘resistance’ to Israel as terrorism.

By Yossi Aloni


Israel filed a strong protest with the British government after the UK ambassador in Lebanon, Tom Fletcher, stated that the inclusion of Hezbollah’s military wing on the European Union’s list of terrorist organizations had nothing to do with Hezbollah’s “resistance” against Israel.

UK ambassador in Lebanon, Tom Fletcher

Flether made his remarks in an interview with Al-Monitor in Lebanon following the EU’s decision last month to finally include the military wing of Hezbollah in its list of terror organizations, a step most Arab states had taken long ago. Continue Reading »

UN Chief Urges US & UK: Postpone Attack

UN Secretary-General Ban tells US & UK to delay strike on Syrian targets & give inspectors more time to investigate.

Syria takes advantage of ‘advanced warning’ to evacuate top military posts & prepare for attack.

By Maayana Miskin



The United States and Britain have come under pressure to delay military intervention in Syria, with United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon urging both countries to hold fire.

UN Secretary-general Ban Ki-moon – AFP file

Speaking at a press conference at The Hague, Ban called to give UN inspectors more time to examine the scene of the chemical weapons attack near Damascus last week. Continue Reading »

How the West will strike Syria


British Daily Mail reports how US & British top brass prepare for possible attack in Syria, pointing out targets, including Assad’s air force & key regime facilities.

By Ynet

The British Daily Mail newspaper revealed on Monday the American-British target list in Syria and the forces likely to participate in a military operation – be it a short or a long one – in the torn Arab country.

Photo: MCT


The favored option among top brass is for limited Western action using ‘stand-off’ weapons from long distance to disrupt Assad’s ability to carry out chemical attacks and damage his military machine, the Daily Mail said. Continue Reading »

BREAKING NEWS: British Warplanes in Cyprus – Ready to Strike Syria

Guardian Reports: British warplanes and military transporters have begun arriving at an airbase on Cyprus.

By Elad Benari


In what might indicate that the British army is preparing for an attack on Syria, the Guardian reported on Monday that warplanes and military transporters have begun arriving at Britain’s Akrotiri airbase on Cyprus, less than 100 miles from the Syrian coast.

Two commercial pilots who regularly fly from Larnaca told the Guardian that they had seen C-130 transport planes from their cockpit windows as well as small formations of fighter jets on their radar screens, which they believe had flown from Europe. Continue Reading »

Britain asks EU to Reconsider and Blacklist Hizbullah

The UK’s push to have Hizbullah blacklisted may have gained support due to the group’s actions in Syria, say diplomats.

By Elad Benari, Canada


Britain has asked European Union foreign ministers to once again discuss putting Hizbullah’s so-called “military wing” on the EU terror list, diplomats said on Friday.

Hizbullah chief Hassan Nasrallah – Photo: AFP

Several weeks ago, a British drive to reach a unanimous decision to blacklist Hizbullah failed, when the EU expressed fear that such a move would lead to instability in Lebanon and the Middle East.

Austria and the Czech Republic opposed the move to add Hizbullah to the EU terrorist list, which includes several groups such as Hamas and Colombia’s FARC guerrillas, who are subject to an asset freeze. Continue Reading »

UK Customs Official Denies Entry to American Jewish Student

The UK customs official  said Chip should have lied to the (first) customs agent, adding, “A Jewish kid would find that easy,”

36 hours after leaving Kansas City, Chip Cantor was back home.

By Barbara Bayer, Editor


A local Jewish student was denied entry into the United Kingdom late last month. After being detained for more than nine hours, he was put back on a plane to the United States by customs officials. During that time he was never told why he was being denied entry. He was told his photo and fingerprints have now been placed in a database that will make it difficult for him to obtain entry into the U.K. Continue Reading »

Prince Charles concerned over rise in anti-Semitism in United Kingdom

Britain’s Prince Charles says he’s worried by “poisonous, debilitating intolerance.”




Charles Prince of Wales has warned that Britain is suffering from an “apparent rise in anti-Semitism,” in a speech that praised the work of Britain’s outgoing Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks, the Guardian reported on Monday.

Britain's Prince Charles at the opening of the Jewish Community Center in Krakow April 29, 2008.

Britain’s Prince Charles at the opening of the Jewish Community Center in Krakow April 29, 2008. – Photo: REUTERS/Kacper Pempel

Prince Charles also expressed concern at the rise of “forms of intolerance.”

“I sometimes fear not enough recognition is given to the role of the faith communities in the life of our country in promoting such a critical principle, and I join with you, in mounting anxiety, at the apparent rise in anti-Semitism, along with other poisonous and debilitating forms of intolerance,” Prince Charles was quoted by the Guardian as saying.

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Caught On Tape: British MP calling Israeli soldier a ‘bloody Jew’… ‘with a rifle up my nose’

MP Patrick Mercer made his antisemitic remark to a BBC reporter posing as a lobbyist, when referring to his recent trip in Israel.
Mercer is currently under investigation in a corruption scandal.


A British member of parliament under fire in a corruption scandal was caught on camera describing an Israeli soldier as a “bloody Jew.”

British MP Patrick Mercer being taped by reporter

British MP Patrick Mercer being taped by reporter. – Photo by Screenshot

Patrick Mercer made the remark to a BBC reporter posing as a lobbyist in the investigation. The footage was broadcast Thursday.

Female IDF officer - Illustrative - with plaited  hair and open-toe sandals

Female IDF officer – Illustrative – with plaited hair and open-toe sandals

Mercer told of entering an “intelligence establishment” during a recent Israel visit and facing a security guard. Continue Reading »

UK trade union voted to ban its members from visiting Israel


Union spokesman: Organizations should not oppose boycott.

Labor Leader Ed Miliband said earlier this year “I think the boycotts of Israel are totally wrong. We should have no tolerance for boycotts.”



LONDON – One of the UK’s largest trade unions is to ban its members from visiting Israel and the Palestinian territories on delegations organized by the Trade Union Friends of Israel (TUFI), a London-based organization supporting cooperation between Israeli and Palestinian workers.

Boycotting Israel - Photo: REUTERS

Boycotting Israel – Photo: REUTERS

The GMB, which has over 617,000 members from an array of sectors, voted on Thursday at its annual conference in Plymouth to uphold a 2011 decision to “take a lead in driving forward the boycott and divestment initiatives of “companies who profit from illegal settlements, the occupation and the construction of the wall.”

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UK’s push to blacklist Hezbollah encounters EU opposition

A few European countries are concerned the blacklisting would increase instability in the Middle East.

By Reuters

A British request to blacklist the armed wing of Hezbollah ran into opposition in the European Union on Tuesday, with several governments expressing concern that such a move would increase instability in the Middle East.

Nasrallah speaking in Beirut

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah addresses supporters during a Jerusalem Day rally in Beirut, August 17, 2012. – Photo: Reuters

Britain has argued that the militant Shi’ite Muslim group should face European sanctions because of evidence that it was behind a bus bombing in Bulgaria last July that killed five Israelis and their driver. Continue Reading »

Two Saudi princes accused in UK of laundering for Hezbollah

Princes seeking to extricate themselves from London legal battle saying: “We deal with whoever we want to deal with, whether it’s Hezbollah, the Mafia or even the Jews,”



LONDON – Two Saudi princes on Tuesday sought to extricate themselves from a London legal battle with a Jordanian businessman who accuses them of laundering money for Hezbollah, an allegation their lawyer called “fanciful”.
Lebanon's Hezbollah supporters chant slogans and hold flags

Lebanon’s Hezbollah supporters chant slogans and hold flags – Photo: Reuters/Khalil Hassan

Prince Mishal bin Abdulaziz al Saud, a brother of Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah, and his son Prince Abdulaziz bin Mishal, had previously argued they had sovereign immunity from suit but the courts rejected that stance.

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Boycott Israel event in Jerusalem funded by UK & promoted by UN employes

British MP: “It’s a fringe campaign that is…anti-peace, the government shouldn’t be directly or indirectly funding this movement.’

Member of the European Parliament: “It’s equally unacceptable a UN official should be promoting this event through his official email address,”




LONDON/BERLIN – A British-funded institute in Jerusalem has come under fire for hosting an event supporting the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israel (BDS), along with a UN staff member who circulated its details in an official email to co-workers.

A sign in Sweden calls for Israel boycotts.

A sign in Sweden calls for Israel boycotts. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

In March, the Kenyon Institute, also known as the British School of Archaeology, hosted an event titled “The emergence of the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement” – a campaign led by radical anti-Israel activists also known as BDS – at its East Jerusalem headquarters.

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J’lem Post REVEALED: British gov’t funds Israel boycott activists

Shocking new information as Israel’s English daily, The Jerusalem Post reveals that the British gov’t actively funds anti-Israel organizations & speakers.

by The Commentator



New information has come to light about British government funding for anti-Israel activists who promote boycotts, divestment (BDS) and sanctions against the State of Israel – a country which Britain maintains a close relationship with.


From The Commentator


The news, which has surfaced following an investigation by the Jerusalem Post, shows that the British Department for Business, Innovation and Skills is providing funding to an organisation which promotes anti-Israel speakers and encourages the boycott  movement around the world. Continue Reading »