Tag Archive for Palestinian economy

Palestinians stop producing fake coronavirus masks, hand sanitizer

Over 40 Palestinians arrested on charges of manufacturing ineffective face masks, useless hand sanitizers and price gouging according to a PA official.



The Palestinian Authority has in the past two weeks closed several factories and businesses whose owners were caught manufacturing unlicensed face masks and hand sanitizers that were being sold to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

More than 40 suspects have been arrested on charges of fraud, price gouging and manufacturing unlicensed products, said an official with the PA Ministry of National Economy.

The crackdown came in response to complaints from many Palestinians that the products did not meet the standards and regulations of the PA Ministry of Health and Ministry of National Economy, the official said. Continue Reading »

REPORT: Over a million Palestinian Authority Arabs plan to emigrate – mostly to the U.S.


Arab media reports over 20,000 Arabs leave Palestinian controlled areas each year since most of the int’l aid given to Gaza & Abbas’ PA goes into financing (Hamas) rockets & terror tunnels, paying (Fatah) terrorists & their families salaries, and turning the Palestinian leaders (PLO, Hamas, Fatah) into billion/millionaires, leaving little to improve the lives of the Palestinians.

By Chana Roberts


More Arabs are leaving Judea and Samaria every year reported an Arab48 journalist, referring to Areas A and B, under Palestinian Authority control.

“A guy named Ahmad told me there were 44 kids in his high school class, all of them from Kfar Ramon. Continue Reading »

World Bank: Less than half of humanitarian aid to Gaza reach its destination


The World Bank reported that int’l donor support is a must to maintain Palestinian budget-cutting to stave off probable crisis, and their economy will remain hobbled as long as the conflict with Israel continues.

By i24news


Less than half the $3.5 billion donors have pledged to aid with reconstruction efforts in the Gaza Strip following the 2014 war has been disbursed, according to the World Bank.

The World Bank added that international donor support is a must to maintain Palestinian budget-cutting achievements and stave off crisis.

It said in the report that over the past 10 years the Palestinian Authority had slashed its deficit by an amount equal to 15 percent of its Gross Domestic Product, “an achievement rarely seen in other places around the world.” Continue Reading »

Report: Palestinians working for Israelis doubles for 2014

The 92,000 Palestinians who work for Israelis earn an average of NIS 198 (about $52) per day, while Palestinian working under the Palestinian Authority, make NIS 91 per day, or 45% of those in Israel.


The number of Palestinians working for Israelis on either side of the Green Line doubled in the last four years and now make up 2.2 percent of all workers in the country, according to the Bank of Israel’s upcoming 2014 annual report.

Palestinian laborers work at a construction site in a settlement near Jerusalem – Photo: REUTERS

“The size of the Palestinian employment in the Israeli economy is expected to continue to grow in the foreseeable future,” the central bank said in an excerpt published on Tuesday. Continue Reading »

Low in ammo, Hamas introduces laser training


Developed with homegrown technology, Hamas’ quiet indoor electronic shooting-range is less likely to attract Israel Air Force’s targeting.

By Associated Press


GAZA CITY — In a long hallway that looks more like a videogame arcade than a military base, Hamas security forces are holding target practice using assault rifles fitted with lasers — all without firing a bullet.

(Photo: Reuters)

Palestinian laser training – Photo: Reuters

For the cash-strapped Hamas government, the system is a much-needed money saver that eliminates the need to train with live ammunition, which is in short supply in Gaza. Hamas also says the quiet, indoor facility is less likely to attract the attention of the IDF than the open-air firing ranges that are frequently targeted in airstrikes. Continue Reading »