Tag Archive for Namer APC

Check out IDF’s Golani reconnaissance battalion practicing on the ‘Namer’ APC

IDF incorporates hi-tech in the Namer APC, with grenade launchers & guns operated from inside, an ability to charge the battlefield and smashes through walls, and the famed Trophy anti-missile protective system.

By Yoav Zitun


A confrontation between the IDF and the Hezbollah terror group in 2018 will significantly differ from that fought in 2006, and the nature of the preparations will also be dramatically affected. One of the factors the IDF is most unsure about is the condition of Hezbollah within Lebanon.

IDF Chief of Staff Lieutenant Colonel Gadi Eizenkot – Wikimedia

The morale of the Shi’ite militia, which the IDF Chief of Staff Lieutenant Colonel Gadi Eizenkot called Israel’s number one enemy, is at an historic low point. Continue Reading »

REPORT: Czech Army sought to acquire Israel’s APC, the ‘Namer’

According to a defense magazine report, the Czech army requested to purchase the IDF’s Namer APC, considered one of the world’s most fortified.
– WATCH ‘Namer’ video

By Tzvi Lev


The Czech army was highly impressed by the Israeli-made Namer APC, and requested the right to purchase it, the Below The Turret defense magazine reported.

According to the report, the Czech army asked Israel to buy the Namer, (Hebrew for “leopard”) to replace its aging Soviet-made BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicle. The report said further that the Namer was among nine finalists, but Israel didn’t respond with a price quote in time for the deadline. Continue Reading »

Watch: IDF’s new upgraded ‘Namer’ APC for counter-terrorism urban warfare


The IDF announced the new upgraded ‘Namer’ APC, has Merkava Tank armor, is outfitted with the Trophy anti-tank missile protection system and now with a 30 mm cannon to improve its urban warfare capabilities.

By Tzvi Lev


The IDF’s Ground Forces Command and the Merkava Tank Division of the Defense Ministry announced that the ‘Namer’ Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) will be getting a 30 mm cannon, and has now reached the experimental stage. The move is part of an IDF’s effort to upgrade its urban warfare capabilities.

Israel’s ‘Namer’ APC, has Merkava Tank armor, is outfitted with the Trophy anti-tank missile protection system and now with a 30 mm cannon. Continue Reading »