Tag Archive for fishermen

Israel discovery ‘fatten fish’ by 25% more weight to help feed the world


To feed the expanding world population, Hebrew University of Jerusalem researchers are developing the technology to generate growth enhancers for farmed fish.

Arutz Sheva Staff


As the world faces a projected population increase from today’s 7.5 billion people to 9 billion people by 2050, the demand for sustainable food sources is on the rise. The answer to this looming dilemma may well reside within the booming field of aquaculture. While wild fisheries have been on the decline for the last 20 years, aquaculture, or fish farming, is the fastest growing food-producing sector in the world, and will play an increasingly vital role in our planet’s food resources in the years to come. Continue Reading »

Gaza fisherman shot by Israeli naval forces later dies after breaching blockade


The Gaza Strip has been under both Israeli and Egyptian blockade for more than a decade from importing weapons or materials used  to make them by the Hamas gov’t & Palestinian militants in Gaza, having fought three wars since 2008.

By i24NEWS – AFP


A Gazan fisherman shot by Israeli naval forces on Monday after allegedly breaching the naval blockade off the Palestinian enclave has died from his wounds, an Israeli military spokeswoman said.

The fisherman’s family identified him as 25-year-old Mohammed Majed Bakr.

Israeli Navy זרוע הים patrolling the coast – Photo: IDF Spokesperson’s Unit/Facebook

He was seriously injured and was evacuated to an Israeli hospital for medical treatment, an Israeli military spokeswoman said, where he later succumbed to his wounds. Continue Reading »

Palestinian terrorist captured, charged with smuggling explosives by sea into Gaza


Together with intel reveled from other recently caught Hamas operatives show the extent of the efforts & resources invested by the Palestinian terrorist group in planning terror attacks against Israel.

By Ido Ben Porat


In a joint operation, the IDF, Israel Police, and the Shin Bet caught a terrorist from Gaza who was involved in smuggling explosives and raw materials for the production of weaponry for Hamas and other terror organizations.

The terrorist, Hamis Gahad Said Araishi, aged 24, from the Shati refugee camp in Gaza, was arrested last week by the Israel Navy after he sailed out of the area permitted under the conditions of the blockade of Gaza. Continue Reading »

First Jericho, now Bethlehem suffers electric shortages over massive debt 


Israel Electrical Corporation reduced power flow to the large West Bank city because the Palestinian Authority refuses to pay its electrical bills, amounting to the serious sum of $460 million.
• Meanwhile, Israel expands Gaza’s fishing zone.

By The Associated Press


Israel’s state electric company on Monday reduced power to a major West Bank city, saying it would take similar steps in other Palestinian areas over the next two weeks because of unpaid debt.

The Israel Electric Corporation said it had reduced its supply to Bethlehem by 50 percent, days after doing so in the city of Jericho. The company said the internationally-backed Palestinian Authority owes it nearly $460 million. Continue Reading »

Israeli Navy sinks smuggling vessel off of Gaza’s coast


Before Israel’s Navy destroyed the suspicious smuggling vessel, the crew threw the contents of the boat overboard, then jumped into the sea.



Israel’s Navy sunk a suspected smuggling boat that was approaching the coast of the Gaza Strip overnight on Saturday, an army spokesperson said.

Archive photos of Navy Squadron 916 – Photo By: IDF SPOKESMAN’S UNIT

The IDF spotted a suspicious fishing boat loaded with sacs approaching Gaza from the direction of Egypt and called for the vessel to stop. The IDF fired warning shots in the air and in the water but the boat continued on its course. Continue Reading »

Palestinians report: Gaza fisherman shot dead by Israeli navy

Israel says after navy fired warning shots, it then targeted the engines of 2 of the 4 possible smuggling boats that had ‘strayed’ outside permissible fishing zone.

By News Agencies


A Palestinian fisherman was shot dead by Israeli forces on Saturday off the coast of the Gaza Strip, a spokesman for the Palestinian health services said.

Israeli patrol boat off the Gaza shore – Photo: Reuters

Tawfiq Abu Riala, 34, was killed and two other Gaza fishermen were arrested, said Ashraf al-Kidra, a Gaza health ministry spokesman.

The two other fishermen were arrested and taken to Israel, spokesman Ashraf al-Qudra said. Continue Reading »

4 Gaza fishermen arrested by Israel Naval Patrol

Israeli naval forces detain 4 Palestinian fishermen and seize their boats near Beit Lahiya, in the northern strip, after they crossed Gaza’s designated fishing zone.

By Associated Press


The Israeli navy has arrested four Palestinian fishermen and seized their boat after they crossed the zone designated for fishing, in one of the first instances of friction between the sides since the Gaza war ended last month.

Israeli Patrol watching Gaza fishermen along Gaza's border - Photo by Rosa_Schiano

Israeli Patrol watching Gaza fishermen along Gaza’s border – Photo: Rosa_Schiano

Nizar Ayyash of the Gaza Fishermen’s Union says the incident occurred on Tuesday off the northern Gaza town of Beit Lahiya.

The four were taken for questioning at the Ashdod naval base. Continue Reading »

4 Smugglers shot by Israeli Navy while heading to Gaza, boat explodes


Israel’s Naval troops said they heard secondary explosions after they fired on the 2 suspicious boats sailing from Egypt’s Sinai to the Gaza Strip.

By Yoav Zitun, Elior Levy


Israeli naval troops in the Mediterranean Sea opened fire in the early hours of Wednesday morning on suspected Palestinian smugglers traveling in two boats from Sinai to the Gaza Strip. The Palestinians said that four people on the boats had been wounded.

Israel Navy patrol vessels – Photo courtesy: IDF Spokesperson’s Unit

It is not clear what exactly the boats were carrying, but the IDF said that the boats were damaged, and that they had heard secondary explosions after they had opened fire. Continue Reading »

Egyptian naval vessel fires warning shots at Gaza fishermen

Gaza news service reports that an Egyptian navy vessel fired warning shots at Palestinian fishermen heading towards Egyptian territorial waters.

By Ma’an News Agency


GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — An Egyptian naval ship opened fire at a Palestinian fishing boat off the coast of the southern Gaza Strip early Saturday, a Palestinian union official said.


Gaza fishermen – Photo: MaanImages/File

Nizar Ayyash, spokesman for the union of Gaza fishermen, told Ma’an that the Egyptian navy fired warning shots at a fishing boat off the coast of Rafah.

The fishing boat was nearing Egyptian territorial waters, Ayyash said.

The Egyptian ship was stationed just within Palestinian territorial waters at the time, he added. Continue Reading »

Hundreds launch from Gaza in ‘reverse flotilla’ to confront Israel’s naval blockade



Hundreds of Gazans launched protest flotilla in protests of joint Israel-Egyptian blockade of Gaza but fail to make it to Israel

By News agencies

Hundreds of Palestinian youth activists sailed from the shores of the Gaza Strip on Monday to protest at Israel’s restrictions on fishing in the seas off the Islamist-ruled enclave.

En route to Israel (Photo: EPA)

En route to Israel – Photo: EPA

Around 20 Gaza fishing boats carrying several dozen activists claimed to have broken the naval blockade on the territory in a move denied by the Israeli military. The “resistance flotilla” was at sea for several hours before returning with the claim it had “broken” the blockade which bars fishing vessels from sailing six nautical miles from the shoreline. Continue Reading »

Palestinians plan new flotilla to launch from Gaza



Palestinian protesters & fishermen will try to reach the open seas of the Mediterranean to remind the world Gaza is still under closure.

The activists are expecting Israel’s Navy to interfere, but say they will not confront seamen.

BY Elior Levy

A group of Palestinian activists from Intifada Youth Coalition is planning on sailing from Gaza Strip in an attempt to challenge the naval blockade on the territory.

Swedish flotilla to Gaza in 2012 (Photo: AFP)

Swedish flotilla to Gaza in 2012 – Photo: AFP

The group of 200 Palestinian activists, backed by other foreign activists who are currently in Gaza, is planning to take boats from the Palestinian coast to the line of the marine closure, six nautical miles from shore, on Friday. Continue Reading »

5 Palestinian fisherman get year in jail by Egyptian military court

The 5 Palestinian men were sentenced for illegally infiltrating into Egyptian waters in North Sinai bordering Gaza & Israel.

By Reuters


An Egyptian military court on Wednesday sentenced five Palestinian fishermen to a year in jail for illegally crossing into Egypt’s territorial waters, Egyptian security sources said.

 Palestinian fisherman prepares his boat on the border with Egypt in Rafah

Palestinian fisherman prepares his boat on the border with Egypt in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, Sunday, Sept. 15, 2013 – Photo: AP

“The court had arrested five Palestinians recently for crossing without permits to the Egyptian waters in North Sinai (that borders Israel and the Palestinian Gaza enclave),” one security source said. The source said each of the fishermen was also fined 500 Egyptian pounds ($730). Continue Reading »

Egyptian marine security shoot 2 Gaza fishermen & detain 5 others

This armed confrontation is an example of deteriorating relations between Hamas and Egypt since ouster of Islamist Morsi and rejection of the Muslim Brotherhood.


Egyptian naval police shot and wounded two Palestinian fishermen and detained five off the Gaza Strip on Friday, medics said, an incident that hinted at increased tension between Gaza’s Islamist Hamas rulers and Cairo.

A Palestinian boy fishes at the Gaza Seaport

A Palestinian boy fishes at the Gaza Seaport – Photo: REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa

Fishermen from Gaza have often brought in catch from Egyptian territory to sidestep restrictions imposed by Israel’s naval blockade of the enclave. But Egypt has grown less tolerant of this practice since Islamist president Mohamed Morsi was toppled by the military almost two months ago.

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