Tag Archive for Israel Greece Cyprus

1st of 4 barges transporting the Leviathan natural gas platform to Israel

The construction of a $7B, 2,000 km underwater pipeline connecting Israel’s gas fields to Cyprus, Greece and Italy is expected to be approved later this year by the 3 countries, but will also require European Commission approval.



The first of four giant barges transporting the Leviathan natural gas platform to Israel departed the Gulf of Mexico last week, the companies leading the project announced on Sunday, ahead of its September installation approximately 10 kilometers from Israel’s coast.

Five operational structures, the 38,000 ton topsides of the Leviathan platform, will make the approximately 11,500 kilometer cross-Atlantic journey, with the remaining barges due to set sail from Texas in the coming weeks. Continue Reading »

Israel, Greece, Cyprus agree on Mediterranean natural-gas pipeline deal

At tripartite summit held in Beersheba, the leaders of Israel, Greece, and Cyprus reaffirmed their commitment to an underwater trans-Mediterranean pipeline meant to carry Israeli natural gas to Europe.
• U.S. pledges its support for the ambitious project.

By Israel Hayom


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday said that Israel, Greece and Cyprus will sign an agreement early next year to build a pipeline to carry natural gas from the Eastern Mediterranean to Europe, while the United States pledged its support for the ambitious project.

The $7 billion project, expected to take six or seven years to complete, promises to reshape the region as an energy provider and dent Russia’s dominance over the European energy market. Continue Reading »

Prime Minister Netanyahu invited to meet President Putin on Wednesday

Russian President Vladimir Putin has invited Israel’s Prime Minister to attend Victory Day parade celebrating win over Nazi Germany, and then meet in the Kremlin to discuss regional concerns.
• This will be their 8th meeting in the past 2 years.

By Itamar Eichner


In addition, Putin invited Netanyahu to participate with the Russian leader in the annual march marking the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany, after which they will convene in the Kremlin.

The meeting was confirmed following a phone conversation between the two this past Monday, in which they had agreed to meet as soon as possible.

Netanyahu and Putin – Photo: Amos Ben Gershom/GPO

This will mark the two leaders’ eighth meeting in the past two years. Continue Reading »

Greece announces joint air force drill with Israel

Greece’s defense minister says his country is planning an eastern Mediterranean exercise that will include the participation of Cyprus, Israel, Egypt and other European countries’ air force in an effort to increase stability in the region.

By Arutz Sheva Staff


Greece’s defense minister said on Sunday plans are being drawn up for joint air force drills with Cyprus, Israel, Egypt and other European countries as part of efforts to bolster stability in the eastern Mediterranean, The Associated Press reports.

The remarks by Panos Kammenos came after a military parade in the Cypriot capital to commemorate the 57th anniversary of the ethnically divided island’s independence. Continue Reading »

Turkish delegation visits Jerusalem to discuss joint Mediterranean gas pipeline


While delegations in Jerusalem progress in their discussions to construct a natural gas pipeline from Israel to Turkey and on to Europe, Israel’s Energy Ministry Director General Shaul Meridor is set to meet soon with Italian, Cypriot & Greek ministers for talks on a different pipeline project.

By Hezi Sternlicht


A delegation from the Turkish Energy Ministry is currently visiting Israel for talks about a joint gas pipeline that would pump gas from Israel to Turkey and Europe.

The project, which has been under consideration for some time, was also the focus of Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz’s visit to Turkey in October. Continue Reading »

Israel’s historic gas deal with Jordan completed, now the Cyprus, Greece pipeline


Israel’s Energy minister Steinitz is set to meet with his Greek and Cypriot counterparts in Athens on Wednesday to begin talks on laying pipeline for gas exports to Europe.


After the Leviathan gas reservoir partners signed a massive deal with Jordan, Israel is now looking to lay a pipeline to Cyprus and Greece, so Israeli gas can be exported there and to other European countries, National Infrastructure, Energy and Water Minister Yuval Steinitz said Tuesday.

Map showing planned pipelines running from Israel’s Levianthan natural gas rig into Jordan

Steinitz, speaking to reporters before the weekly cabinet meeting that was pushed from Sunday to Tuesday because Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in the US, related to Monday’s announcement of a massive gas deal with Jordan, saying it was an “historic” day for the country, because for the first time in its history it became an energy exporter. Continue Reading »

Israel’s new Mediterranean friendships growing exponentially amid regional turmoil


view videoWith Turkey’s plunge into Islamism, the once less-than-friendly relationship between Greece & Israel has blossomed into an extensive 7-tier agreement of new partnerships dedicated to boosting security and economic ties, that’s enveloped Cypress as well.



Israel and Greece have in recent years upgraded bilateral diplomatic and defense relations to a significant degree, creating a new Mediterranean alliance that developed quickly following Turkey’s plunge into Islamism.

An Israel Air Force Apache helicopter lands across from a Greek mountain range during a joint Israel-Greece exercise with the Hellenic Air Force in October 2011. – Photo: IAF

Now, with reports surfacing periodically of a thaw in Israeli-Turkish relations, the partnership with Greece, carefully built up over the past six years, faces a new test. Continue Reading »

Israel, Greece and Cyprus vs: potential Russia, Iran and Syria regional power


The tripartite alliance between Cyprus, Greece and Israel in natural gas partnerships, defense agreements and economic cooperation, could serve as a basis for an ever wider regional front.



THE PAST several weeks have seen a flurry of diplomatic activity reinforcing the tripartite alliance between Israel, Greece and Cyprus.

On January 28, the three leaders, Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a summit meeting in Nicosia; the day before Tsipras brought 10 of his cabinet colleagues to Jerusalem for a government to government session with their Israeli counterparts; and the day before that Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon held security talks in Athens and a month later in Cyprus. Continue Reading »