Tag Archive for Kerem Shalom

Egypt demands end to Hamas incendiary kites, balloon terror

Egypt gives Hamas a few days to end incendiary balloons and kites launched into Israel that have sabotaged an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire, causing Israel’s closure of the Kerem Shalom crossing.

By Elior Levy


Egypt has warned Hamas to significantly reduce or completely end within a few days the launching of incendiary balloons and kites into Israeli territory from Gaza, Ynet learned on Tuesday morning, giving the terror group an extended deadline to restore calm to the border.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi – Photo: Kremlin/Wikimedia Commons

The ultimatum came after Israel announced on Monday evening that it would be closing the commercial Kerem Shalom crossing to gas and fuel supplies after a ceasefire agreement was violated earlier in the afternoon when a rocket was fired into southern Israel. Continue Reading »

Israel’s Defense Minister confirms IDF destroyed terror-tunnel on Gaza border

Having refrained from divulging details on the strike between Sunday night & Monday morning, Israel’s Defense Minister now confirmed that the last retaliatory strike actually involved destroying a Hamas attack tunnel on the border between Israel and Gaza, among the 18 Hamas targets hit in 2 waves of attacks.

By i24NEWS


Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman confirmed the Israeli army destroyed a tunnel at the border between Israel and Gaza overnight between Sunday and Monday.

“We have liquidated a terrorist tunnel in the Kerem Shalom area. As for the identity of the terrorists, we will not close this chapter until we eliminate those responsible for the terrorist act,” Liberman said. Continue Reading »

About IDF’s demolishing Hamas terror-tunnel beneath humanitarian aid crossing

WATCH IDF Video: Last night, and again this morning, the IDF destroyed a Hamas terror-tunnel dug beneath the Kerem Shalom border crossing, that intruded almost 600 feet into Israel.

By Tal Polon


IDF planes finished this morning, Sunday, demolishing a terror tunnel that passed under the Kerem Shalom Crossing from Gaza into Israel.

The IDF says with certainty that the tunnel belonged to Hamas.

The tunnel started in the Rafiah area 900 meters (2,953 feet) into Gaza and extended 180 meters (591 feet) into Israel. It passed under the gas pipeline between Egypt and Gaza.

IDF Spokesperson Ronen Manelis says that the tunnel was located several days ago. Continue Reading »