Tag Archive for squatters

Arab Squatters Move Into Ancient Jewish Archaeological Site

Arab squatters cause irreparable damage as they illegally turn an Iron Age Jewish settlement, on a Samaria archeological site, into their private residence.

By Arutz Sheva Staff


Near Hermesh in northern Samaria lies a registered archeological site called ‘Khirbet Parsin’, which preserves the biblical name ‘Peresh’ (descendants of Menashe) and the Talmudic name ‘Kfar Parshai’.

The remains of a large Iron Age settlement were discovered at this site, including a mikveh (ritual bath), burial caves and complex underground systems from the Second Temple period, as well as impressive buildings from the Ottoman period. Sadly, these important finds have joined the list of antiquities sites suffering from damage and destruction. Continue Reading »

Reclaiming stolen Jewish homes in Jerusalem, one house at a time


WATCH: Family of Arab squatters are finally evicted from a Jewish owned building in Silwan by Israel Police officers after a 25 year court battle.
Plus: Photo-essay from 1948 of Jerusalem being made ‘Judenfrei’ (without Jews) for the first time in 2 millennia.

By David Rosenberg


A two-and-a-half decade-long legal battle over a Jewish-owned building in eastern Jerusalem finally ended Wednesday morning, when Israeli police evicted Arab squatters from the property and transferred the building to its owners.

On Wednesday, Israeli police removed members of the Siyam family, and activists supporting the family, from a building they had illegally taken control of in the Silwan neighborhood of Jerusalem. Continue Reading »

Without elucidating decision, Supreme Court sides with Bedouin landgrabbers over Jewish landowners


Israel’s Supreme Court rejected, without giving explanation, an appeal by Jewish landowners against a Bedouin tribe that’s squatting on their land in illegally built homes.

By Reut Hadar


The Supreme Court has dismissed an appeal by the organization Regavim dealing with the Negev village Bir Hadaj, hundreds of whose residents entered the nearby plot that was privately owned by Jews and built dozens of illegal buildings.

An illegal Arab house

An illegal Arab house – Regavim: Oved Arad

In 1995, after the government decided to create the Ramat Hovev industrial area, members of the ‘Azazme tribe from Ramat Hovev moved to Ramat Negev council fields, and created illegal structures next to Kibbutz Revivim. Continue Reading »