Tag Archive for submarine

Next 3 Israeli submarines to have vertical launch capabilities

The doubling of the price to €2.4b for the three German built ‘Dakar’ class diesel-electric submarines could be linked to the “significant leap” in vertical launch capabilities.



The price of the new submarines that Israel has purchased from Germany may have doubled because of new weapon capabilities, possibly including a vertical launch system (VLS), Naval News reported on Wednesday.

US Navy Mark 41 Tomahawk hot launch. – US navy photo via Wikimedia

The price of the three Dakar-class diesel-electric submarines built by ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems will cost €1.2 billion more than originally planned, costing Israel double for a total of €2.4b. Continue Reading »

Photo Essay: 48 years after the Israeli Dolphin class submarine Dakar sank

A former Dakar crew member describes what it was like to search for the sunken submarine after he was ordered to return on a different sub from Portsmouth to Haifa, the journey the Dakar never finished.

By Yoav Zitun


It’s been almost 50 years since the Israeli Dolphin class submarine Dakar sank in the waters off of Crete. Now, new color pictures are being released of the crew and of the submarine – the last pictures of these young men before their submarine sank to the bottom of the sea, never to surface again.

The Dakar – Photo: Association of Former Dolphin Submariners

A short video of the sailors and the submarine has been gathering dust in the house of one of the submariners’ widows, Bat Sheva Tal.

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Israel receives latest German-made submarine, with ‘2nd-strike (nuclear) capabilities’


view videoWATCH: Israel’s cutting edge 5th Dolphin-class submarine, the INS Rahav, with reported 2nd-strike capabilities, arrived at Israel’s Haifa port with much fanfare after first stopping to honor the INS Dakar off Israel’s coast, where in 1968 the Israeli submarine sank with its crew of 69 on board.

By i24news


Germany’s fifth Dolphin-class submarine arrived in Israel’s Haifa port Tuesday, where top government and military officials welcomed the newest addition to Israel’s navy.

The INS Rahav, which cost the Israel Navy two billion dollars, was first unveiled in a ceremony in April 2013 in Kiel, Germany. After the unveiling, the submarine underwent a year and a half of work to make it operational. Continue Reading »

German Gov’t Approves 5th ‘Special’ Submarine for Israel

WATCH: By Germany giving approval for this advanced sub that can hold nuclear weapons, Israel’s defensive capabilities increase dramatically.

By Hillel Fendel


Germany has approved the delivery of the fifth of six promised submarines to Israel – amid claims that the sub will be outfitted with nuclear weapons. Is this part of Israel’s answer to the US nuclear agreement with Iran?

The German Federal Security Council, which monitors Germany’s export of military goods, has given the green light for the delivery of another submarine to Israel. The news has renewed claims that Israel will fit the sub with one or more nuclear-tipped cruise missiles. Continue Reading »

Israel Navy’s most sophisticated & newest submarine poised to begin operations

Israel’s newest, the INS Tanin, which arrived in Israel in September, can operate deep in enemy territory — efficiently, secretly, & lethally.

Lilach Shoval


The Israeli Navy’s fourth submarine, the INS Tanin, which arrived in Israel in September, is scheduled to begin operations in the next few months.

Photo courtesy: Israel Navy

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WATCH: Israel’s ‘Nuke-Capable’ Stealth Submarine Sail Home

The Israeli Navy’s 4th & most sophisticated Dolphin-class submarine, the INS Tanin– is en route to Haifa from Germany.

By Gil Ronen



The INS Tanin, Israel’s fourth and most advanced Dolphin class submarine – is en route to Israel from Germany, and the Navy has released video of the vessel and the ceremony in which it was launched at Germany’s Kiel shipyards at week’s end.


Reports claim Israel has modified the Dolphin’s 650mm launch tubes to allow the launch of missiles that could carry nuclear warheads. Such missiles should give Israel the ability to deter belligerent neighbors like Iran, if it delivers a sufficiently convincing threat to make use of them. Continue Reading »

Israel welcomes 4th German-made Dolphin-II class advanced submarine

Jerusalem’s 2013 purchase of 6 Dolphin-II class submarines was made using an incredibly generous discount, with 1st 3 being delivered as a gift.

By i24news



A fourth German-made Dolphin II class submarine will reach Israel in next few days, Navy Commander-in-Chief Vice-Admiral Ram Rothberg announced Tuesday. “At this very moment, after leaving Germany, the INS Tanin, the Navy and the State of Israel’s fourth submarine, is making its way to Israel,” Vice Admiral Ram Rothberg said during the closing ceremony for a captain’s course at the Haifa naval base. “It can dive deeper, go farther for a longer time and can operate at a level we have not seen until today,” he stressed. Continue Reading »

Israeli Navy submarine service – isn’t for everybody


Senior recruiting Officer: ‘One doesn’t have to know how to swim, but a good sense of humor is important.’



For the time being, there is no chance for young Israelis to become astronauts, but young men who are highly motivated and intelligent, able to withstand long bouts away from civilization, suited for combat duty, capable of reacting immediately to orders and not disturbed by being cooped up for weeks on end in a small space are invited by the IDF and Israel Navy to apply for military service in a submarine.

Always ‘Watching & Listening” – Photo courtesy: IDF Spokespersons Unit

A 13-month-long preparatory course for the difficult but meaningful job has just been completed. Continue Reading »

Report: Iran launches its new submarine class

Iran has launched it’s largest submarine in its fleet, a new class of 500 tonne submarine, boosting its naval presence in int’l waters on major oil shipping routes in Strait of Hormuz & the Gulf of Oman.

By Israel Hayom Staff


Iran has apparently launched the largest submarine in its naval fleet, satellite imagery from IHS Jane’s revealed on Wednesday, in what the defense analysis firm called “a major milestone for Iran’s naval industry.”

An Iranian submarine in the Strait of Hormuz - Photo: Reuters

An Iranian submarine in the Strait of Hormuz – Photo: Reuters

The “approximately 48 meter [131 foot] long and 6 meter [20 foot] wide” Fateh submarine was located by the imagery in the water at the Bostanu shipyard on the Strait of Hormuz, a major shipping route to and from some of the world’s most important oil economies. Continue Reading »

Navy seeking teenage submarine recruits for newly bought Dolphin-class vessels


4th & 5th German-made Dolphin-class submarines soon to enter Israel’s navy’s service in 2014.

The 6th sub still being manufactured in Germany.



The Israel Navy is taking its search for future submarine crew members, who will operate three soon-to-be operational new generation Dolphin-class vessels, to Israel’s high schools.

Dolphin-class submarine course – Photo: IDF Spokesman’s Office


Maj. Yisrael (last name withheld), who runs the Navy’s high school outreach program, said the arrival of the new submarines and the need to fill them with new crew members led the navy to begin reaching out to 11th graders to get them to apply for Navy service.

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Report: Israeli Submarine Fired on Syria From Mediterranean

According to Mid-East intelligence sources, an Israeli submarine attacked Syria’s advanced missile weapon depot in Latakia last week.

By Elad Benari


The recent strike on an arms depot in Latakia was a naval intervention and not an airstrike, Middle East intelligence sources told the Sunday Times newspaper.

According to the report, the attack was carried out using a Dolphin class submarine and was well-coordinated with the United States administration. If the report is correct, it would be Israel’s first naval intervention in Syria.

The officials also told the Sunday Times that the attack targeted 50 Russian-made Yakhont anti-ship missiles.

Israel has purchased five Dolphin class submarines from Germany. Continue Reading »

Israel’s 5th Dolphin class submarine launched in Germany

The INS Rahav is about to undertake its first long-range classified mission & can carry missiles armed with nuclear warheads, according to foreign sources.




Israel and Germany unveiled the Israel Navy’s fifth Dolphin-class submarine on Monday, at a ceremony at the German port of Kiel.

Israel's Dolphin class submarine - Photo courtesy Israel Navy

Israel’s Dolphin class submarine – Photo courtesy Israel Navy

The submarine, called the INS Rahav, is the most expensive defense platform purchased by Israel. It is set to undertake long-range classified missions that are critical for Israel’s security.

The submarine is seen by the navy as a significant “force multiplier” that will enable Israel to cope with threats in the increasingly unstable Middle East region.

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Israel’s deep-sea dominance

Op-ed: Our foes have no answer for Israel’s submarines, which guarantee regional stability

By Guy Bechor


Quietly, underwater, Israel is turning into a maritime power like the United States and Russia, with an armada of advanced submarines. Germany recently agreed to provide Israel with a sixth Dolphin submarine; the Jewish state already has three. Two more will be arriving this and next year, and then the sixth one will come.

Israeli submarines guarantee stability Photo: Shutterstock

Israeli submarines guarantee stability Photo: Shutterstock

Germany also agreed to subsidize the sixth submarine, as it did with the previous ones. The first two were given to Israel for free; the Germans paid for half of the third one, and will pay for one third of the next three. Continue Reading »

Israel purchases sixth submarine from Germany

Barak signs contract during ceremony in Germany: “This sixth submarine will substantially increase the capabilities and strength of the IDF and Israel.”

Israel and Germany on Wednesday signed a contract for the sixth military submarine purchased by the Israeli navy. Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Defense Ministry Director-General Udi Shani and German State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Defense Rudiger Wolf attended the ceremony.

After signing the contract Barak said: “This sixth submarine will substantially increase the capabilities and strength of the IDF and the State of Israel in the face of ever-increasing challenges.”

“The agreement reflects the depth of Israel and Germany’s relationship, as well as the German government’s clear commitment to the State of Israel’s security. Continue Reading »