Tag Archive for Turkey-Hamas

Breaking signed agreement, Erdogan hosts Hamas to plan attacks on Israel

As President Erdogan is “playing host” to the radical Islamic group Hamas, terrorists are plotting attacks on Israel from Turkey, using Istanbul as their base of operations.

By David Rosenberg


The Turkish government is hosting Hamas terrorists on its soil and permitting them to plan terror attacks on Israeli targets, a report released by The Telegraph Tuesday night claims.

According to the report, transcripts of Israeli police interrogations of terrorists show that senior Hamas terrorists are using Istanbul as a center for the terror group’s operations abroad. Terrorist leaders operating out of Turkey’s largest city direct Hamas activities in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria, the report added, including the a foiled plot to assassinate the mayor of Jerusalem. Continue Reading »

Turkey threatens Israel after Turkish woman indicted for assisting Hamas

27yr-old Turkish national Ebru Ozkan, was arrested last month leaving Israel at Ben-Gurion Airport, and charged her with unlawful association with terror organization, crimes against public order by assisting terror organization [Hamas], funding enemy organization, and smuggling 5 bottles of perfume which to launder money.

By Itay Blumenthal


A Turkish national who was arrested a month ago at Ben-Gurion Airport was indicted by the Military Advocate General on Sunday in the Samaria Military Court for several security offenses.

The defendant, 27-year-old Ebru Ozkan, was charged with unlawful associations, crimes against public order for Hamas and offenses of bringing enemy funds into the area. Continue Reading »

Turkish leader scheming Jerusalem Islamization prior to US Embassy relocation

Erdogan’s Turkey is meddle in internal Israeli affairs by investing large amounts of money in so-called ‘charity’ activities in Arab Jerusalem. According to the Shin Bet security agency, an “investigation points to the deep involvement of Hamas members in Turkey,” coordinating and promoting terrorist activities in Judea and Samaria.

By Yochanan Visser


In the run-up to the US Embassy move to Jerusalem, Turkey, together with the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, is pumping a quarter of a billion dollars into the Islamification of the city, according to Israel’s Hadashot News (formerly Channel 2 News).

The Wakf, the Muslim custodian of the Islamic holy places on the Temple Mount, and a slew of Islamist organizations in Israel’s capital received the bulk of the money officially to ‘rescue’ the holy sites and to finance ‘renovations.’ Continue Reading »

Israel security agency foils Turkey-Hamas funding mechanism


Israel’s Shin Bet security agency says that after exposing the mechanism that allowed for almost $200,000 to be transferred to agents in the West Bank, it will continue to “thwart this terrorist activity orchestrated by Hamas operatives abroad and in the Gaza Strip.”

By Lilach Shoval


A large-scale investigation recently uncovered a Hamas money transfer mechanism funneling cash from Hamas headquarters in Turkey and Gaza to operatives in the West Bank city of Hebron.

Israel Police investigators – Israel Police Spokesperson Dept.

The investigation, a cooperative effort between the Israel Defense Forces, the Shin Bet security agency and the Israel Police, was placed under gag order, lifted Thursday. Continue Reading »

At Israel’s Request, Turkey Expels Hamas Leader


Although full normalizing of ties is still far off, to begin negotiations Turkey agreed to Israel’s demand to expel Saleh al-Arouri, one of the planners of the 2014 murder of 3 Israeli teenagers.

By Smadar Perry, Itamar Eichner


As agreed upon Hamas’ senior representative in Istanbul, Saleh al-Arouri, was expelled from Turkey Monday. Nevertheless, there remain a number of points which can stall and even torpedo normalizing diplomatic ties.

Palestine Passport -  Persona non grata

Israel established al-Arouri’s expulsion from the country as a condition for achieving full reconciliation between Ankara and Jerusalem. Al-Arouri’s “voluntary” departure was agreed upon during the meeting between Hamas’ political chief, Khaled Mashal and Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan and Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu last Saturday. Continue Reading »

Analysis: A Turkey-Hamas-Israel reconciliation?

The deal: Israel sells natural gas to Turkey, acquiring cheaper energy, and the Palestinians catch a break with relief on the blockade.

By Emmanuel Navon


The long-awaited approval of the natural gas deal by the Israeli government has the potential of turning Israel into a major energy exporter and therefore into a different kind of geopolitical player. This change is already being felt vis-à-vis a former regional ally-turned-challenger: Turkey.

In September 2014, the owners of the Leviathan gas field (Noble Energy and the Delek Group) signed an agreement with Jordan’s national electric company (NEPCO) for the export of 45 BCM (billion cubic meters) of natural gas over 15 years. Continue Reading »

Turkey’s leaving blood soaked footprints in the sands of Sinai

Egyptian officials allege Turkey is actively involved in assisting the Islamist insurgency against the Sisi gov’t. 



CAIRO. Even as its diplomats extend an invitation to Ankara to join the August 6 inauguration ceremonies for the New Suez Canal, Egyptian officials are moving from vague accusations of foreign support for the Islamic State insurgency in the Sinai to more specific allegations of Turkish aid to the IS-linked Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis.

The remains of a 4×4 SUV equipped with with an anti-aircraft weapon, which was bombed in Sinai town of Sheik Zuweid by Egyptian F16, July 1, 2015 – Photo: Facebook

Egypt’s security establishment is convinced that the weaponry and tactical capabilities displayed in last week’s attack on one of its patrol boats, and Ansar’s deadly two-day siege of the Sinai town of Sheikh Zuweid, point to assistance extending beyond the diffuse network of supplies and personnel deployed by Islamic State from Libya through to Syria and Iraq. Continue Reading »

Forced out of Damascus, Hamas now centered in Turkey, a NATO member state

Radical Islamist militant group sets up its ‘West Bank & Jerusalem Headquarters’ in Istanbul, using it as base for recruitment, financing & operational planning for anti-Israel terrorism, with the blessings of Turkey’s President Erdoğan.

By Alex Fishman


Relations been Israel and Turkey have been on a slippery downward slope in recent years; of late, however, the situation has led to grave consequences beyond the realm of politics: Turkey has become a Hamas hotbed, and members of the organization’s military wing are undergoing military training on Turkish soil, with the knowledge, support and assistance of the local authorities.

Hamas political leader Khaled Mashal, left, with Turkish President Erdoğan in Turkey last year.

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Turkey Replaces Iran as Hamas’s Financial Backer

World Tribune reports: Turkey has coordinated the cash transfers with Qatar, ‘The money is channeled through private sources, with full coordination with Erdoğan and his aides’.

By Arutz Sheva staff


Israel’s intelligence community has determined that Turkey has replaced Iran as the leading financial backer of Hamas since 2012, reports the World Tribune, citing unspecified “Israeli sources.”

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan – AFP photo

The sources said the government of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has overseen the transfer of up to $250 million a year to Hamas, and particularly to its governing apparatus in Gaza. Continue Reading »