Tag Archive for UNHRC

Amb. Nikki Haley threatens US exit from UNHRC if Israel charged at Int’l Court


US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley is unhappy the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights is taking steps outside the purview of its mandate in turning Israel to the International Court of Justice saying, “It’s actions like these that are forcing us to evaluate the United States’ future on the Human Rights Council.”



The United States warned that it would leave the United Nations Human Rights Council if it turns to the International Court of Justice at The Hague for a broad advisory opinion on Israeli actions in the West Bank and east Jerusalem.

US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley issued a statement on the matter after learning that the UN might ask the International Court of Justice to comment on the failure of both Israelis and Palestinians to comply with humanitarian law. Continue Reading »

US Envoy to the UN, Nikki Haley: Latest UNHRC report also ‘reeks of anti-Israel bias’


In the statement issued to the UNHRC, Haley wrote, “This report is just the latest example of the Human Rights Council singling out Israel rather than focusing on the world’s actual human rights abusers. Not only does it undermine the credibility of the Human Rights Council on human rights issues, but it once again highlights the unfair bias of the UN when it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”
• MUST VIEW: latest UN Watch video exposing the UN’s anti-Israel bias.

By Elad Benari


Nikki Haley, the United States Ambassador to the UN, on Tuesday expressed concern about an anti-Israel report released by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, which offered to “advise and support” efforts to create a “blacklist” database of companies operating in Judea, Samaria, the Golan Heights, and eastern Jerusalem. Continue Reading »

Video: PM Netanyahu thanks U.S. Amb. Haley for standing up for Israel and the truth


WATCH: Netanyahu tells Haley, “We have an ancient Hebrew saying that when somebody tells a truth, you can feel it…So people feel it, they not only understand it, they feel it. And we feel it. We’re glad to see the fruits of your efforts, uncommon common sense.”

By Arutz Sheva Staff


Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Wednesday spoke with US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley and thanked her for standing up for Israel and the truth.

“Thank you for standing up for Israel, for standing up for the truth – which is standing up for America,” Netanyahu said. Continue Reading »

US envoy to UN Haley: UNHRC ignores those to whom they are appointed to protect


In an op-ed in the Washington Post Amb. Haley writes, “All too often…the victims of the world’s most egregious human rights violations are ignored by the very organization that is supposed to protect them,” called on council to “end its practice of wrongly singling out Israel for criticism,” curious “whether the Human Rights Council actually supports human rights” or whether it is “merely a showcase for dictatorships that use their membership to whitewash brutality.”

By i24NEWS


US envoy to the United Nations Nikki Haley told the UN’s Human Rights Council in Geneva on Tuesday that changes need to be made regarding the body’s approach to Israel. Continue Reading »

UN Human Rights Council lambastes Azariya’s manslaughter sentence


A UN Human Rights Council representative, in a short written statement, criticized the Tel Aviv Military Court and its 18-month prison sentence handed down to Elor Azariya, for shooting dead a wounded terrorist, as ‘excessively lenient.’

By Nitzan Keidar


A representative of the UN Human Rights Council heavily criticized the sentencing of soldier Elor Azariya this week.

Azariya, who was convicted of manslaughter for shooting a wounded terrorist, was sentenced to 18 months in prison.

Medic, Sgt. Elor Azaria, in court – Photo: Facebook

According to UN human rights spokeswoman Ravina Shamdasani, the sentence imposed on Azariya was “excessively lenient.” Continue Reading »

US Sec. of State John Kerry admonishes UN Human Rights Council


After US is re-elected to UN Human Rights Council, John Kerry on Saturday tells council members to end its ‘excessive and biased focus on Israel.’

By i24new


US Secretary of State John Kerry on Saturday admonished the UN Human Rights Council for what he said was an unfair focus on Israel, the Times of Israel reports.

Human Rights and Alliance of Civilizations Room of the Palace of Nations, Geneva (Switzerland) is the meeting room of the United Nations Human Rights Council. - Photo courtesy: Wikipedia Commons

Human Rights and Alliance of Civilizations Room of the Palace of Nations, Geneva (Switzerland) is the meeting room of the United Nations Human Rights Council. – Photo courtesy: Wikipedia Commons

“While important challenges remain, including ending the Council’s excessive and biased focus on Israel, we look forward to cooperating with other Council members to address human rights concerns, advance human rights around the world, and ensure the Council fully realizes its purpose,” Kerry said after the US was re-elected as a member. Continue Reading »

Western nations boycott UNHRC’s anti-Israel ‘Agenda Item 7’


Pakistan’s Deputy Representative requested Western nations participate in the anti-Israel Agenda Item 7, noting their absence undermines the credibility of the council.


Western states on Monday boycotted the Agenda 7 debate at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, in which over 35 countries attacked Israeli human rights abuses against the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza.

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UNHRC Chief Threatens Israel for Noncompliance in Human Rights Investigation


Israel’s refusal to cooperate with the UN stems from Jerusalem’s deep conviction that the embedded, one-sided investigation is akin to a “kangaroo” court whose anti-Israel outcome is already predetermined.


The United Nations implied Monday that Israel could be in trouble over its continued refusal to allow human rights investigators to alleged violations of international law against Palestinians access to the West Bank and Gaza.


“I very much regret the refusal by some countries to permit my staff to have access in order to monitor and report on events,” UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein said. Continue Reading »

UN exploits murder of innocent Israelis in backhanded attack on Israel

Israel’s UN Embassy accused the UNHRC Commission chief of breaking a new record of cynicism and double standards by “using the murder of Israelis to attack Israel.”

By Ari Soffer


Israel has slammed the United Nations Human Rights Commission (UNHRC) for “using the murder of Israelis to attack Israel,” accusing it of “cynicism and double standards” in its response to Wednesday night’s deadly Palestinian terrorist attack in Tel Aviv.

United Nations rights chief Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein – Photo: Reuters

In a message given during a press briefing earlier Friday, United Nations rights chief Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein’s office issued a mild condemnation of the attack itself, but then went on to say that he was “deeply concerned” by Israel’s response. Continue Reading »

Palestinian envoy to UNHRC calls on Jews to ‘return to country of origin’


Palestinian envoy to the UNHRC Ibrahim Khreisheh suggested in an interview on Palestinian Authority TV, that Jews are not indigenous to the land of Israel, and the modern state is a product of colonization.



Palestinian Authority envoy to the United Nations Human Rights Council, Ibrahim Khreisheh, said that all Jews living in Israel “should all return to their country of origin,” according to The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

In an interview with Palestinian Authority TV earlier this month, Khreisheh posited that Jews are not indigenous to the land of Israel, and their presence today is a product of years-long colonization. Continue Reading »

US to disregard UNHRC resolution to blacklist companies working with settlements


US State Department spokesman John Kirby said the US is opposed to the resolution on West Bank settlements the UNHRC approved last week in Geneva under the highly anti-Israel Agenda Item 7.



The United States does not intend to provide the United Nations Human Rights Council with information for its new blacklist of companies doing business with West Bank settlements, US State Department spokesman John Kirby told reporters in Washington on Wednesday.

The United Nations headquarters. – Photo: REUTERS

The Obama administration, he said, is opposed to the resolution on West Bank settlements the UNHRC approved last week in Geneva, as it wrapped up its 31st session. Continue Reading »

U.S. State Dept. condemns the UNHRC for seeking to ‘blacklist’ Israeli companies


Once again the U.S. exposes the UNHRC, calling it biased against Israel, and condemns their resolution calling for a blacklist of businesses operating in Judea and Samaria.

By Ben Ariel


The United States on Wednesday condemned last week’s United Nations Human Rights Council resolution that calls for setting up a blacklist of businesses operating in Judea and Samaria.

UN Human Rights Council – Photo: Reuters

Speaking to reporters at his daily briefing and quoted by Reuters, State Department spokesman John Kirby criticized the motion.

“We continue to unequivocally oppose the very existence of that agenda item and therefore any resolutions … that come from it,” he said, accusing the body of “bias against Israel.” Continue Reading »

Canada to UN: Don’t name Canadian anti-Israel prof as Palestinian rapporteur


A row of Canadian gov’t officials that include the Foreign Affairs Minister & MPs Michael Levitt, Tony Clement and Peter Kent of the Conservative Party have called on the United Nations to disqualify local professor as UN adviser after accusations of his anti-Israel bias.

By Shoshana Miskin


Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Stephane Dion has joined the chorus of voices calling on the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to review its appointment of a Canadian law professor with an alleged history of anti-Israel bias to a key Middle East position.

Western University law professor Michael Lynk was named on Thursday the UNHRC’s special rapporteur on human rights in “Palestine”. Continue Reading »

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu calls the UN, an “anti-Israeli circus”


view videoIsrael’s Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu reacts to the UN, following their decision to create a ‘blacklist’ of businesses working in Judea & Samaria, by acknowledging the UN’s obsessive bias against the only Jewish State.

By Shoshana Miskin


Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu condemned Thursday the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) over their decision to compile a “blacklist” of Israeli and international companies that conduct business in Judea and Samaria, the Biblical heartland of Israel.

”The UNHRC has become an anti-Israeli circus with their attacks on the only democracy in the Middle East and their disregard for the gross violations in Iran, Syria and North Korea,” said Netanyahu.
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Canadian chosen as new UNHRC expert on Palestinian territories


view videoMakarim Wibisono, who resigned after being refused access to territories by Israel, is to be replaced by Canadian law professor as UN special rapporteur, “limited to investigate Israel’s violations.”
WATCH video of UN Watch defend Israel at UNHRC meeting

By i24news


The UN Human Rights Council chief on Wednesday nominated a Canadian law professor to a controversial post surveying the rights situation in the Palestinian territories.

Council president Choi Kyonglim circulated a letter to member states proposing that Stanley Michael Lynk be appointed to the position of special rapporteur, and the council was expected to accept the appointment Thursday without a vote. Continue Reading »