Tag Archive for United Nations

Biden/Blinken to force UNSC resolution on hostage deal, 2-state-solution

In seeking a swift implementation to end the fighting in Gaza before the US elections, the White House submitted a UNSC resolution in support of its 3-stage hostage deal, including a forced 2-state solution on Israel.



The United States has submitted a United Nations Security Council resolution backing a three-phased hostage deal and a two-state resolution to the conflict.

“Numerous leaders and governments, including in the region, have endorsed this plan – and we call on the Security Council to join them in calling for the implementation of this deal without delay and further conditions,” US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield said in a statement. Continue Reading »

OCHA revises Gaza death toll, almost 50% less than used by Biden, UN, media

The number President Biden used in his State of the Union speech, and afterwards, was parroted from Hamas’ Health Ministry death-toll-data, was about double the amount of women & children actually killed.

By Ruth Marks


JERUSALEM – In a dramatic shift, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has revised its data pertaining to the number of Palestinian casualties in the seven-month-old Gaza war, reducing almost by half the number of women and children it previously said were killed in the hostilities between Israel and the Iranian-backed terror group Hamas.

According to an infographic published in OCHA’s daily report on May 6, the number of women killed in the fighting was said to be 9,500, while the organization, which admits to relying on figures from the Hamas-run Ministry of Health in Gaza, claimed that 14,500 children had been killed since the war began on Oct. Continue Reading »

REVEALED: Following Obama betrayal at UNSC, Israel sought Putin’s protection

Why, 3.5 years after the Obama White House betrayal of Israel at UN Security Council, did PM Netanyahu tell “in a closed meeting” this week how he turned to Russian President Putin to stop a second American anti-Israeli resolution at the United Nations?



Three and a half years after UN Security Council Resolution 2334 condemning Israeli settlement activity passed thanks to an US abstention, as opposed to their usual veto, new details published this week raised new questions.

When the resolution passed in December 2016, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government’s representatives in the US were furious. Continue Reading »

Draped as ‘coronavirus aid’, UN funds Palestinian terror-linked groups

REPORT: NGO Monitor found that the UN & World Health Organization facilitated millions of dollars of emergency COVID-19 funding from Canada, the EU, France, Germany, Ireland, Norway, Sweden and the UK to Palestinian organizations with links to terrorism.



Millions of dollars of international funding for the Palestinians’ coronavirus emergency response, coordinated by the World Health Organization and UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) have gone to organizations with links to terrorism, a new report by NGO Monitor found.

The research institution focused on the funding of non-governmental organizations found that several of the groups funded by OCHA and the WHO are tied to the People’s Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), which is recognized as a terrorist organization in Israel, the EU, US and Canada, and had staff members arrested and indicted late last year for the murder of 17-year-old Israeli Rina Schnerb. Continue Reading »

UN Questions Palestinians About Its State Sponsored Antisemitism

The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination held in Geneva today, called on the PA to explain its systematic use of hate speech & antisemitism in official statements and in its anti-Israel prejudice and incitement to hatred in its textbooks.



The Palestinian Authority was called to task for hate speech and antisemitism in its official statements and in its textbooks during the government’s first ever review by the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination held in Geneva on Tuesday.

“Several NGO reports pointed out antisemitic and anti-Israel prejudice and incitement to hatred, especially in the [Palestinian] media and speeches of state officials. Continue Reading »

EXPOSED: Hezbollah transformed civilian Port of Beirut into weapons hub

Israel’s Ambassador Danny Danon urges the UN Security Council to tackle Iran’s nefarious regional activities and its illicit exploitation of civilian maritime routes for moving explosives and weapons. Amb. Danon, “They use commercial companies, mainly from Europe, to support Hezbollah and develop its missile program.”

By Ariel Kahana


Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon presented the UN Security Council new evidence to prove that Iran was using civilian maritime navigation as means of arming Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah, all the while flouting international sanctions.

Speaking at the UN just days after Iran seized a British oil tanker and amidst growing tension between the Islamic republic and the West, Danon urged the international community to take action against Tehran and counter its regional aggression. Continue Reading »

President Trump picks Kelly Craft to replace Nikki Haley as UN envoy

“There is no room whatsoever for anti-Israel bias or antisemitism,” Craft said, adding, “The United States will never accept such bias. And if confirmed, I commit to seizing every opportunity to shine a light on this conduct, call it what it is and demand that these outrageous practices finally come to an end.”



WASHINGTON – Kelly Craft, US President Donald Trump’s nominee to replace Nikki Haley as the ambassador to the UN, promised on Wednesday to follow in the footsteps of her predecessor when it comes to Israel.

She made the comments during a confirmation hearing in Washington. Continue Reading »

China moves 1 million Muslims to concentration camps; UN to discuss Israel

Diplomatic sources said there’s no indication any country would present a U.N. resolution on China, but a U.N. report on Israel’s use of force against rioting Palestinian protestors in Gaza last year is to be issued.
• Saudi Crown Prince defended Beijing: “China has the right to carry out anti-terrorism and de-extremization work for its national security.”

By News Agencies and Israel Hayom Staff


Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Friday defended China’s use of concentration camps for Muslims, saying it was Beijing’s “right,” the Telegraph reported.

“China has the right to carry out anti-terrorism and de-extremization work for its national security,” the crown prince, who is in China signing multi-million trade deals much to the chagrin of his Western allies, told Chinese state television. Continue Reading »

VIDEO REPORT: Israeli UN envoy hosts 40 UN colleagues on tour of Israel

Israeli PM Netanyahu today met with the UN Ambassador’s delegation organized and hosted by Israel’s UN Ambassador Danny Danon.
WATCH: “The important thing is not merely to see the truth, which you will in this visit, it is to speak the truth,” with Netanyahu saying with emphasis, “We want to see you change your votes.”

By Hezki Baruch


As Israeli UN Ambassador Danny Danon hosts a delegation of UN ambassadors in Israel, he spoke with Arutz Sheva ahead of an aerial tour of Israel and the Hezbollah terror tunnels in the north. He said such a tour was the best way to explain to the ambassadors the challenges that Israel faces. Continue Reading »

Palestinians say their right to UN statehood was ratified in 1947

Palestinian envoy to U.N. Riyad Mansour - YouTube screenshot

Having rejected the UN’s partition plan for statehood in 1947 and losing everything when the Arabs opted to declare war on Israel, now backtracking on that decision Palestinian UN envoy Riyad Mansour declares, “We believe that our statehood, and our admission, is an innate right… It is not open for negotiation with anyone – nor will we ask for permission from anyone.”

By Associated Press and Israel Hayom Staff


The Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations said Monday that the day will come when “obstacles” in the Security Council to full U.N. membership will be removed “but that day is not today.” Continue Reading »

‘State of Palestine’ appointed to chair United Nations largest voting block

At the ‘Theater of the Absurd’ in NYC, Mahmoud Abbas called for the end of terrorism, the end of colonialism, as new chairman of the UN’s Group of 77, “We also suffer under the yolk of foreign occupation.”
– HAMAS: Abbas is not authorized to represent the Palestinians, “He is continuing to assume the office of the president 10 years after his term in office expired, in violation of the Palestinian Basic Law.”



The global community must band together to combat terrorism, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said on Tuesday as he took over the chairmanship of the United Nations Group of 77 and China, the organization’s largest bloc of member states. Continue Reading »

Palestinians fail to attain full ‘Member State’ status at UN

With the cooperation from friendly states, Israel’s UN envoy staved off a Palestinian initiative to promote a draft resolution to upgrade ‘State of Palestine’ from ‘observer state’ to a full UN voting member within the international body.

By Itamar Eichner


Israel has succeeded in staving off a Palestinian Authority initiative to upgrade its status from observer state to member state with full voting rights at the United Nations General Assembly.

In a bid to pass the draft resolution granting the PA full member status at the UN, Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki said that he would appeal to the UN Security Council. Continue Reading »

Brazil kept promise to support Israel at United Nations

Departing from Brazil’s decades-old stance of voting against Israel at the United Nations, son of President-elect Jair Bolsonaro pledges Brazil’s support at the diplomatic arena.
• Incoming president has vowed to be pro-Israel.

By Sandra Rejwan


The symbolic victory against Hamas at the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday, in which 87 nations supported a draft resolution condemning Hamas, marked another milestone: Brazil took an unprecedented step by siding with Israel and the U.S.

The U.S.-sponsored text would have for the first time condemned the Islamic terrorist group Hamas, which controls Gaza. Although it won a plurality of votes in the assembly, it failed to win the required two-thirds majority. Continue Reading »

President Trump picks Heather Nauert as Nikki Haley’s replacement to UN

U.S. State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert, who just 18 months ago was a Fox News anchor, is President Trump’s choice to replace Nikki Haley as the next U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, if confirmed by the Senate.

By News Agencies and Israel Hayom Staff


U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to announce he will nominate State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert to be the next U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, officials familiar with the plans said Thursday.

Two administration officials confirmed Trump’s plans. A Republican congressional aide said the president was expected to announce his decision by tweet on Friday morning. Continue Reading »

PLO: UN Special Coordinator for Middle East Peace Process, ‘unacceptable’

The PLO, basically run by PA kleptocrat Mahmoud Abbas and claimant to being “the sole representative of the Palestinian ‘people’,” has informed the UN that their Special Coordinator, “is no longer acceptable to the state of Palestine,” for bypassing Abbas to attain a cease-fire between Hamas & Israel.

By i24NEWS


The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) informed the UN chief that Nickolay Mladenov has overstepped his role as Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process by pursuing negotiations with Hamas and trying to recruit aid into the Gaza Strip from other Arab countries.

PLO Executive Committee member Dr. Ahmed Majdalan said that Mladenov “is no longer acceptable to the state of Palestine,” local media reported. Continue Reading »