Tag Archive for Jeremy Corbyn

Israel hails Corbyn’s defeat as UK victory in fighting anti-Semitism

Seeing Labour’s defeat a ‘milestone in the fight against hatred,’ Israel’s Foreign Minister applauds ‘British values’ as they voted against a leadership accused of facilitating systemic antisemitism.

By Arutz Sheva and AFP


Israel Friday hailed the election defeat of Britain’s Labour Party as a “milestone in the fight against hatred” after its leadership was accused of inaction against anti-Semitism in its ranks.

Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz – Photo GPO

“I congratulate British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the UK Conservative Party on a decisive victory,” Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz said.

“This is not just a political victory, it is first and foremost a victory of values.” Continue Reading »

Report: Hamas working hard to get Corbyn elected as PM of UK

The “We support Jeremy Corbyn” Facebook page with about 72,000 followers is operated by Hamas operatives and supporters from Gaza to London, including one Walid Abu Rouk, a resident of Khan Younis.

By  Eldad Beck , Israel Hayom Staff


The Hamas terrorist organization has been working to help Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the British Labour party, win Thursday’s general election in the United Kingdom, the Israel-based Tazpit Press Service reported on Monday.

Hezbollah flag behind Jeremy Corbyn at a protest in 2012. – Photo by Samuel Hardy

According to TPS, one of the largest and most important of the Corbyn support organizations across the world – the “We support Jeremy Corbyn” Facebook page, with some 72,000 followers – is operated by Hamas operatives in Gaza and London. Continue Reading »

Tenth British MP quits Labour over embedded anti-Semitism in party

In her resignation letter, Jewish Labour MP Dame Louise Ellman, who has been a devoted member of the British Labour Party for 55 years and parliamentarian for more than two decades, says Labour ‘is no longer a safe place for Jews and Jeremy Corbyn must bear the responsibility for this.’

By Ynet and Agencies


British Jewish Labour MP Dame Louise Ellman has announced her departure from the Labour Party after 55 years as a member and more than 20 years as a lawmaker, citing rising anti-Semitism within the party since Jeremy Corbyn was elected as leader.

“Under Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership, anti-Semitism has become mainstream in the Labour Party. Continue Reading »

Corbyn’s Labour Party ignored or interfered in most reports of antisemitism

Jeremy Corbyn’s office actively interfered, delayed or outright ignored most of the 863 reported cases of hate-filled antisemitism within his party, rendering only 30 suspensions, less than 3.5%.
– Examples include posts of “Heil Hitler,” Jewish MPs being accused of being “Zionist infiltrators,” and blaming Israeli Jews for the 9/11 attacks.



The extent of antisemitism raging in the British Labour party was displayed once more on Sunday morning, when The Sunday Times published an article exposing shocking messages Labour members shared online without being sanctioned.

The report titled “Labour’s hate files expose Jeremy Corbyn’s anti‑semite army” revealed how Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s office actively interfered, delayed and disrupted the inquiry into the hate-filled and conspiratorial posts by many Labour members. Continue Reading »

UK blacklists Hezbollah as terror group, Jeremy Corbyn objects

Opposed to the government’s decision to designate all of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, whose party has been drenched with accusations of anti-Semitism since he assumed leadership in 2015, had referred to Hezbollah in the past as his “friends.”

By Arutz Sheva Staff


The British Labour party rejected the government’s decision to define Hezbollah as a terrorist organization in its totality.

“Decisions on the proscription of organizations as terror groups are supposed to be made on the advice of civil servants based on clear evidence that those organizations fall foul of the proscription criteria set out in legislation,” Labour said in a statement Tuesday, adding, “The Home Secretary must therefore now demonstrate that this decision was taken in an objective and impartial way, and driven by clear and new evidence, not by his leadership ambitions.” Continue Reading »

7 Labour MPs resign: UK’s Labour Party is ‘institutionally anti-Semitic’

WATCH as 7 centrist MPs resign from Britain’s Labour party, each explaining their personal concerns over the entrenched anti-Semitism in a party “behind a culture of bullying, bigotry and intimidation” under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn.

By Cnaan Lipshitz/JTA


Luciana Berger, a British-Jewish lawmaker, has quit the Labour Party over its anti-Semitism problem, along with six other members of the House of Commons.

Berger, who frequently has spoken out about anti-Semitic hate speech directed at her and other Jews by Labour members, and the others announced their resignation on Monday, dealing a major blow to Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and his supporters. Continue Reading »

Labour Leader Corbyn vows UK will ‘recognize Palestine’ if he becomes PM

Speaking at the annual Labour Party, Corbyn said: “The Palestinian tragedy continues while the outside world stands by….We [Britain] will recognize a Palestinian state as soon as we take office.”
• Labour Party passes motion to end UK weapons sales to Israel.

By Eldad Beck, News Agencies and Israel Hayom Staff


Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn on Wednesday said his party would recognize a Palestinian state as soon as it takes office.

Speaking at an annual party conference in Liverpool, Corbyn said: “A quarter of a century on from the Oslo Accords, we are no closer to justice or peace and the Palestinian tragedy continues while the outside world stands by. Continue Reading »

Corbyn tweets ‘The UK must fill the gap’ after Trump ended UNRWA funding

Dedicated to aiding & supporting Israel’s enemies at all cost, and completely disregarding the US assessment to terminate the folly of endlessly funding an exponentially expanding parasitical community, the UK Labour leader calls on Britain to “fill the gap by boosting its contributions.”



UK Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn took to social media Saturday evening to call the US’s decision to end its funding of UNRWA “shameful” and called it “a vital UN refugee agency.”

The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) supports roughly five million Palestinians in Jordan, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Continue Reading »

In Parliament, a British MP says to Labour leader, you’re a “f***ing anti-Semite”

REPORT: Margaret Hodge, a Jewish Labour party MP, is said to have attacked her party leader Jeremy Corbyn, saying, “You’re a f***ing anti-Semite and a racist,” following his party’s refusal to accept the widely supported IHRA definition of anti-Semitism.
– UK Labour Party’s decision was condemned, even within the party.

By Ynet


Margaret Hodge, a veteran Jewish Labour Party MP, called opposition and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn a “f***ing anti-Semite” on Tuesday, after the party leadership refused to accept the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism, according to The Huffington Post.

Hodge, a former British minister, confronted Corbyn in the House of Representatives after a vote on Brexit. Continue Reading »

Poll: A third of British Jews ponders leaving the UK

In their Multiyear survey, the Campaign Against anti-Semitism found 31% of British Jews consider leaving the UK over fear of anti-Semitism.

  • 17% of Jewish UK citizens say they feel unwelcome in Britain.
  • 37% polled feel they need to hide their Jewishness in public.
  • 65% of British Jews say gov’t doesn’t do enough to keep them safe.
  • 80% say the Labour Party is too tolerant of anti-Semitism.

By Ynet


Nearly one-third of British Jews have considered leaving the country in the last two years over fear of anti-Semitism, according to a poll by YouGov for the Campaign Against anti-Semitism (CAA), which was published on Sunday. Continue Reading »

UK Labour party head supports ‘charity’ that indoctrinates 7 yr-old Palestinians to kill Jews


view videoVIDEO: Heavily backed by MP Jeremy Corbyn, Interpal, banned in the US & Israel as a terrorist organization, was recently exposed funding a Hamas festival in Gaza where a 7 yr-old girl ‘stabs Jews’ to the audience’s amusement.

By Ari Yashar


An horrific children’s play in which a seven-year-old Palestinian girl “stabbed Jews” took place at a recent event partly funded by Interpal, a UK charity supported by Labour party head Jeremy Corbyn and MPs of his party, reports the UK Daily Mail on Thursday.

UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn – Photo: Reuters

Footage of the play, in which the girl pretends to stab two boys dressed as IDF soldiers who “shoot” her before a boy in a mask “shoots” them back with a toy semi-automatic weapon, was aired last week on Hamas TV. Continue Reading »