Tag Archive for Joe Biden

Biden/Blinken to force UNSC resolution on hostage deal, 2-state-solution

In seeking a swift implementation to end the fighting in Gaza before the US elections, the White House submitted a UNSC resolution in support of its 3-stage hostage deal, including a forced 2-state solution on Israel.



The United States has submitted a United Nations Security Council resolution backing a three-phased hostage deal and a two-state resolution to the conflict.

“Numerous leaders and governments, including in the region, have endorsed this plan – and we call on the Security Council to join them in calling for the implementation of this deal without delay and further conditions,” US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield said in a statement. Continue Reading »

OCHA revises Gaza death toll, almost 50% less than used by Biden, UN, media

The number President Biden used in his State of the Union speech, and afterwards, was parroted from Hamas’ Health Ministry death-toll-data, was about double the amount of women & children actually killed.

By Ruth Marks


JERUSALEM – In a dramatic shift, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has revised its data pertaining to the number of Palestinian casualties in the seven-month-old Gaza war, reducing almost by half the number of women and children it previously said were killed in the hostilities between Israel and the Iranian-backed terror group Hamas.

According to an infographic published in OCHA’s daily report on May 6, the number of women killed in the fighting was said to be 9,500, while the organization, which admits to relying on figures from the Hamas-run Ministry of Health in Gaza, claimed that 14,500 children had been killed since the war began on Oct. Continue Reading »

Democrats lawmakers petition Biden to condition foreign aid to Israel

14 Democratic lawmakers urge the Biden White House to undertake a fundamental change in American policy on military aid to the Jewish state.

By i24NEWS


A group of 14 Democratic lawmakers on Thursday urged the Biden Administration to undertake a fundamental change in its approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Democratic Reps. Rashida Tlaib (MI), Ilhan Omar (MN), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY)and Ayanna Pressley (MA) held a press conference on Monday 15 July 2019 to respond to President Donald Trump’s criticism of them. – Screenshot/ YouTube

In a letter addressed to President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, the group led by Representative Jamaal Bowman and Senator Bernie Sanders calls on the leaders to “undertake a change in American policy in recognition of the aggravation of violence, the continuation of the annexation of land and the denial of Palestinian rights”. Continue Reading »

American Jewish approval of Biden plummets 17% to all time low of 63%

37% of Jewish Americans disapprove of Biden’s job performance – nearly double the number from 2021, blamed on his botched exit from Afghanistan, faulty pandemic decisions, southern border crises and record-high inflation caused by ill-advised government policies.

By Ron Kampeas, JTA


The good news for Joe Biden is that a majority of U.S. Jews approve of the job he is doing. The bad news is that the number in a new poll, 63%, is a sharp double-digit drop from where he was last year.

A poll released Wednesday by the Jewish Electorate Institute, a group led by prominent Jewish Democrats, showed Biden’s approval rating down from 80% in a poll by the same organization last July. Continue Reading »

Fact Check: Biden lied to invited Jewish guests at White House Menorah Lighting

Speaking to invited Jewish Americans during a Menorah lighting ceremony, President Biden falsely claimed he went to Israel during the Six Day War to act as a “liaison”… not the way to celebrate Hanukkah!

By Grant Atkinson


President Joe Biden held a menorah-lighting ceremony at the White House on Wednesday night to celebrate Hanukkah. But instead of honoring Jewish Americans, Biden used the moment to repeat a lie about his past.

According to the National Review, Biden told a story about his supposed trip to Israel during the Six-Day War.

“I was saying to a couple of younger members of my staff, before I came over, about the many times I’ve been to Israel,” Biden said. Continue Reading »

Netanyahu responds to Biden’s pressure: Israel determined to continue ops

Israeli PM Netanyahu rejected the ‘Presidential advice’, but responded respectably during his phone-call with U.S. President Biden, “I am determined to continue this operation until its goal, to restore peace & security, is achieved.”

Arutz Sheva Staff


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed his conversation with Joe Biden and rejected his proposal to end the operation.

“I appreciate the support of US President Joe Biden for the State of Israel’s right to self-defense. I am determined to continue this operation until its goal – to restore peace and security – is achieved.”

PM Netanyahu at the ‘Kirya’, the IDF HQ with IDF & IAF chiefs.  

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J Street urges Biden to revoke Trump’s Israel policies that achieved peace

Following four years of being ignored, J Street has now reached out to Joe Biden, urging he return to the shelved, failed US doctrine by reversing Trump’s “Abraham Accords” and put a Palestinian independence before peace with more Muslim countries.

By Jeff Dunetz



J Street is calling on Joe Biden to reverse many of the Trump administration’s moves concerning Israel and the Middle East including taking President Donald Trump’s Mideast peace plan off the table and a stop to making peace without getting the Palestinians involved.

Haaretz has learned that the organization “prepared a set of policy recommendations for the…Biden administration that are based on adopting a fresh approach toward the conflict, going beyond what previous administrations have attempted. Continue Reading »

Publicized Israeli-Saudi meeting sends Biden warning on his Iran policy

Both Jerusalem and Riyadh fear US President-elect Biden will adopt outdated, dangerous Obama policies on Iran which seriously damaged Washington’s ties with its traditional Jewish and Sunni Middle East allies.

By Reuters and ILH Staff


A historic meeting between Israel’s prime minister and Saudi Arabia’s crown prince has sent a strong signal to allies and enemies alike that the two countries remain deeply committed to containing their common foe Iran.

Last Sunday’s covert meeting in the Saudi city of Neom, confirmed by Israeli officials but publicly denied by Riyadh, conveyed a coordinated message to US President-elect Joe Biden that Washington’s main allies in the region are closing ranks. Continue Reading »

PLO plans to hold Biden to his pledge to reopen D.C. office if elected

PLO plans to hold Biden to his campaign promise to reopen PLO office in Washington DC, used to plan & organize BDS and ‘Apartheid Week’ events on American university campuses, following the office’s closure in 2018 after refusing Trump’s demand to end ‘Pay-to-Slay’.

By i24NEWS


Senor Palestinian Liberation Organization official Dr. Nabil Shaath said that if Democratic nominee Joe Biden wins instead of US President Donald Trump in American elections November 3, the organization would request the reopening of its office in Washington, D.C., according to The Times of Israel Monday.

Nabil Shaath expresses his feeling for Australia.- Screenshot: PMW, YouTube

“We will immediately call for the reopening of the office, although it may take some time to implement it,” he said. Continue Reading »

Palestinian leaders pressure Biden camp to nullify Trump’s pro-Israel decisions

Palestinian PM Shtayyeh, “If Mr Biden is elected in November, we hope that it will be a totally different dynamic.”
Campaign spokesman Michael Gwin, “Biden opposes any unilateral action by either side that makes the prospects of a 2-state solution less likely, including annexation, which Biden opposes now, and would continue to oppose as president.”

By  Reuters and ILH Staff


Palestinian leaders hope Democrat Joe Biden will tone down Washington’s pro-Israel policies if he becomes US president, and Palestinian-Americans have been pressing his campaign for a change, sources familiar with the efforts have said.

So far, their efforts have had little impact, the sources said. Continue Reading »

SleepyJoe seeks to restart Palestinian funding that finances ‘Pay to Slay’ Jews

1500 Rabbis outraged that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden wants to keep ‘2-state solution’ viable by pressuring Israel to not apply sovereignty to Israel’s biblical heartland, to resume funding the Palestinians [despite its financing of ‘Pay to Slay’ Jews] and reopen the PLO headquarters in Washington.

By Arutz Sheva Staff


The Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), representing over 1500 traditional rabbis in matters of public policy, today called upon Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee in the 2020 Presidential race, to withdraw his statement that he would resume funding to the Palestinian Authority despite its ongoing provision of financial rewards to the families of terrorists, and his claim that Israel would ‘jeopardize a two-state solution’ were it to extend sovereignty over Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. Continue Reading »

As anti-Semitism escalates in Ukraine, Jewish immigration to Israel rises


U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden gave a sharp warning during his visit to Ukraine as anti-Jewish incidents continue to plague the country.


In the past week alone, there have been reports of a synagogue being fire-bombed in the south-eastern city of Nikolayev, the desecration of the tomb of Dov Ber Schneerson, brother of the late Lubavicher Rebbe, in Dnepropetrovsk and the vandalizing of the Holocaust memorial in Sevastopol.

Pro-Russian activists

Pro-Russian activists at the barricades in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine. – Photo: AP

Those incidents followed the distribution in Donetsk of a leaflet calling on all Jews to register with the self-declared, pro-Russian authorities. Continue Reading »

U.S. VP Biden: Palestine & Israel could be an ‘island of stability’ in Mideast


Secretary of State Kerry is expected back in the region in the coming weeks to present his ‘framework’ for a future peace agreement.



U.S. Vice President Joe Biden on Monday tried to give a boost to the flagging Mideast peace process, saying he believes Israel and a future Palestine could become an “island of stability” in a turbulent region and expressing hope that leaders would make the “difficult decisions” needed for compromise.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. Vice President Joe Biden

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US Vice President Joe Biden – Photo: Matty Stern/US Embassy Tel Aviv

Biden made his comments at a sensitive time. Continue Reading »