Tag Archive for ceasefire

Biden/Blinken to force UNSC resolution on hostage deal, 2-state-solution

In seeking a swift implementation to end the fighting in Gaza before the US elections, the White House submitted a UNSC resolution in support of its 3-stage hostage deal, including a forced 2-state solution on Israel.



The United States has submitted a United Nations Security Council resolution backing a three-phased hostage deal and a two-state resolution to the conflict.

“Numerous leaders and governments, including in the region, have endorsed this plan – and we call on the Security Council to join them in calling for the implementation of this deal without delay and further conditions,” US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield said in a statement. Continue Reading »

PA autocrat Abbas, “outraged” at being ignored over Gaza ceasefire

PA autocrat Mahmoud Abbas is reportedly furious that Egypt is facilitating a Hamas-Israel ceasefire arrangement without him, saying, “Over my dead body will there be a ceasefire and agreement for calm between the sides.”

By Tal Polon


Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas reportedly expressed outrage that a ceasefire agreement between Hamas and Israel was being formulated without his participation.

[Israeli TV news] Channel 10 reported that it had been informed today, Tuesday, by a senior Fatah official in Ramallah that Abbas had said, “Over my dead body will there be a ceasefire and agreement for calm between the sides.”

Palestinian kleptocrates: Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh (left) and his second-in-comand, Gaza leader, Yahya Sinwar (center) ignore their nemesis, Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas (right).

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Abbas gets no respect as Hamas willing to work with Israel

Mahmoud Abbas & Co. conspire to torpedo any ceasefire deal the UN & Egypt negotiate with Israel, if Hamas maintains their refusal to disarm and transfer control of Gaza to the Palestinian Authority.

By i24NEW


Hamas will not disarm or “pay any political price” as part of a ceasefire agreement with Israel, an official from the Gaza ruler said on Monday.

“We benefit from the truce. Our weapons will remain in our hands and there are no conditions regarding Hamas’s right to (continue) the resistance. The truce does not require a political price (from Hamas) and it is not part of the deal of the century,” senior Hamas official Mahmoud Zahar reportedly told online newspaper Al-Khaleej. Continue Reading »

REPORT: Hamas in ‘final stretch’ of ceasefire agreement with Israel

According to a Hamas official interviewed on Lebanon’s Al-Mayadeen TV, Hamas is in final stage of a ceasefire agreement, but the talks are temporarily paused until the conclusion of the Muslim holiday Eid al-Adha later this month.

By i24NEWS


The ceasefire negotiations between Israel and Hamas are in “the final stretch,” according to a top Hamas official who was interviewed by Lebanon’s Al-Mayadeen TV on Friday.

The ceasefire would be based on the understanding that was reached between Israel and Hamas after the 2014 Gaza War, Kahlil al-Hayya was quoted as saying, adding that Hamas is interested in signing an accord. Continue Reading »

After heavy losses Hamas & Islamic Jihad declare ceasefire reached with Israel

After Palestinian terrorists in Gaza fired over 200 rockets at Israeli civilian targets, and an IDF retaliation on dozens of militant targets inside the terrorist enclave, Hamas reported how a ceasefire was reached with Israel.
– Israeli defense official: ‘Only facts on the ground will dictate our response.’
– WATCH IDF video of destruction of Hamas Battalion HQ in Beit Lahia, Gaza.

By Ynet reporters


Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad said Saturday night that a ceasefire has been reached with Israel amid the recent escalation of violence that saw over 200 rockets fired from Gaza to Israel and IDF attacks on dozens of targets in the strip. Continue Reading »

REPORT: Syrian ceasefire blocks Hezbollah, Iranian proxies from Israeli border

Foreign Policy magazine reports US-Russian brokered ceasefire contains clauses to allay Israeli and Jordanian concerns of Hezbollah troops and other Iranian sponsored rebel groups from approaching their joint northern border.

By Daniel Bettini


The recent ceasefire agreement for southwestern Syria signed by the US and Russia which came into effect on Sunday also forbids foreign militias supported by Iran from operating in strategic areas in Syria adjacent to the Israeli border with Jordan, according to a report in the Foreign Policy magazine.

The agreement addresses, the report claims, Israeli and Jordanian demands that the Hezbollah terrorist organization and Iranian proxies and pro-Iranian militias be forbidden from approaching the border on the Golan Heights. Continue Reading »

Senior Russian military official met with Nasrallah about Syrian ceasefire

Lebanon’s Al-Nashra news website reports a “senior” Russian military official delivered a letter to Hezbollah’s chief on behalf of Russian leadership detailing ceasefire conditions, that Iran and  the Lebanese militia were obligated to comply with even though they were not involved in the agreement.

By i24NEWS


A senior Russian military official met with the chief of the Hezbollah terrorist organization in Beirut and expressed, on behalf of the Russian leadership, that the Lebanon-based group would take on a role in the next phase of the Syrian war, Lebanon’s Al-Nashra news website reported Monday.

The report did not indicate when the meeting took place. Continue Reading »

ANALYSIS from Israel: A look at who wins, loses from US-Russia Syrian ceasefire agreement

Jordan steps up taking a key position in a deal that concerns Israel’s national interests and shows Washington has stopped being an impotent observer of the Syrian catastrophe, now working with Russia to arrive at a solution.



A ceasefire went into effect on Sunday in southern Syria along the border with Israel and Jordan. It covers the provinces of Deraa, Quneitra and Suweida. US National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster provided the usual boilerplate reasons behind US support for it. The United States is committed to “helping to end the conflict in Syria.” This agreement would be an “important step toward common goals.” Continue Reading »

WATCH REPORT: Hamas-Israel Ceasefire for Lifting Gaza Blockade

By i24news


Gaza-based Palestinian Islamist group Hamas held meetings with representatives from the Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip during which it updated them with the details of talks with European and American officials about a ceasefire with Israel.

A picture taken from the Israeli side of the border shows rockets being fired by Palestinian militants from the Gaza strip into Israel – Photo: AFP

A spokesperson for Hamas said that any proposal offered regarding a ceasefire will be presented to the Palestinian factions. Continue Reading »

Palestine Media Report: Hamas in Qatar Discussing 5-Year Cease-Fire

Senior Hamas officials meet in Qatar to weigh reaching deal with Jewish State that would allow Gaza a seaport in exchange for a 5-year halt in its ‘armed resistance’ against Israel.

By Elior Levy & i24news


Leading members of Hamas are meeting in Qatar to discuss a proposal for a long-term ceasefire with Israel, the Palestinian Al-Quds newspaper reported Monday.

IDF soldier at Gaza border (Photo: Yoav Zitun)IDF soldier observes Hamas road construction on Gaza border – Photo: Yoav Zitun


The truce proposal, which is backed by both Qatar and Turkey, is based on an outline formulated by UN special envoy to the Middle East Nikolay Mladenov, according to Israel Radio. Continue Reading »

Turkey & Qatar reportedly broker new truce deal between Israel & Hamas

According to the Israeli report, Turkey has delivered to Israel a proposal for a 5-yr ceasefire.

By i24news


Qatar and Turkey have drafted a new proposal for a long term ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, Israeli news site Walla! News reported on Tuesday.

Palestinian Baha Obeid (L) and his cousin Mohamed Obeid paddle on their makeshift boat made of plastic bottles on April 18, 2015 at the port of Gaza City – Photo: Mohammed Abed/AFP

According to Palestinian sources quoted by Walla! Turkey has passed on to Israel a proposal for a five-year ceasefire, during which a floating port would be built across from the Gaza Strip’s sea shore, where cargo ships would dock.

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Netanyahu: ‘Great Diplomatic Blow’ For Hamas

Amid wave of criticism over ceasefire deal while Hamas still fires rockets, PM explains decision during televised press conference.

By Hezki Ezra, Ari Yashar


Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Wednesday night attempted to respond to the outpouring of criticism to his unilateral decision the night before, in which he sealed a ceasefire deal with the terrorist group Hamas.

“With the establishment of the ceasefire I can say that this is a great military and diplomatic achievement,” claimed Netanyahu, accompanied by Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz.

Netanyahu stated “Hamas has been hit critically and didn’t receive any of the demands it set.” Continue Reading »

Justice Minister Presents Her 6-Point Plan for Gaza Ceasefire on Israel TV News

Minister Livni’s new plan links a Gaza ceasefire with resuming the peace negotiations with Abbas and the PA.

By Elad Benari, Canada


Justice Minister Tzipi Livni has presented a six-point plan which links a ceasefire in Gaza with a return to peace negotiations with Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

Channel 2 News reported about the details of the plan on Friday evening. Livni has presented the plan to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu but he has yet to respond, the report said.

Livni’s plan includes the following steps:

  • A ceasefire.
  • Immediate humanitarian assistance to the residents of Gaza.
  • Measures that will meet both Israel’s security demands and the economic needs of the people of Gaza, equating the interests of the parties.
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Hamas breaks humanitarian cease-fire so IDF resumes strikes in Gaza’s Shejaia area

Israel reports IDF soldiers were shot at shortly after the 2-hr truce, assisted by the ICRC, had begun at 1:30 pm.

Palestinians say at least 50 Gazans killed in Shejaia district, which IDF reports as center of terror activity.



Hamas members on Sunday violated a humanitarian cease-fire in the Shejaia area of Gaza and fired on IDF soldiers with anti-tank missiles and automatic fire, the army said.


An Israeli rocket is fired into the northern Gaza Strip July 17, 2014. – Photo: REUTERS

The air force has begun resuming strikes in Shejaia, firing on locations from which the army came under fire. 

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Hamas Agreed to UN Ceasefire for Thursday, Then Fired a Rocket Salvo at Israel

Immediately after Hamas agreed to a temporary humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza for Thursday morning, they began firing another salvo of rockets towards Israel.

By Elad Benari


Hamas agreed on Wednesday night to a temporary humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, but not before firing another salvo of rockets towards Israel.

Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri – Reuters

“The group agrees to a ceasefire for five hours,” starting from 10:00 a.m. local time Thursday, Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said in a statement quoted by the AFP news agency.

“The Palestinian factions agreed to accept the offer from the United Nations for a cooling-down on the ground for five hours starting from 10 in the morning,” he told the news agency. Continue Reading »