Tag Archive for poll

Unofficial Al-Jazeera/Twitter query reflects Arabs support Israel over Iran in war

In an unofficial poll on Twitter, an Al-Jazeera media personality asked his 5 million followers in Arabic, who they’d support if war broke out between Israel and Iran. Surprisingly, it showed most Arabs supporting Israel.

By Israel Today Staff


In an unofficial, unscientific survey, a firm majority of respondents from across the Arab Middle East said they would back Israel in a war against Iran and its proxies in Syria.

The poll was conducted on Twitter by Faisal al-Kasim, an Al-Jazeera host who is one of the most influential TV media personalities in the Arab world.

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Despite allegations of corruption, here’s 7 reasons why Netanyahu is more popular

If you’re dumbfounded as to how an Israeli prime minister can be suspected of bribery, and yet his popularity is steadily growing in each survey taken, here’s seven reasons.



Plenty of people mocked the survey by pollster Avi Degani that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu posted on his Facebook page, which gave his Likud a 34-to 20-Knesset seat lead over the Yesh Atid party of Yair Lapid, the central witness against him in Case 1000, the “expensive gift affair.”

MK Yair Lapid, then Minister of Finance, speaking at the 14th Annual Herzliya Conference – Screenshot

After all, Degani has been paid to take polls for the Likud for many years, and the survey was leaked to the pro-Netanyahu Israel Hayom newspaper. Continue Reading »

Poll: Palestinian Arabs prefer terrorism over peace deal with Israel

The Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, found that a mere 26% of Palestinian Arabs support efforts to establish a peace deal with Israel, while most prefer continuing its “armed struggle,” the cynical euphemism for murdering Jews.

By David Rosenberg


A plurality of Palestinian Arabs support terror attacks against Israelis Jews, while only about a quarter say they support negotiations to resolve the conflict, a new poll shows.

According to the results of a survey released Thursday by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, nearly 40% of Arab residents of Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the Gaza Strip backed the use of violence against Israelis – called by the euphemism “armed struggle” for the purposes of the poll. Continue Reading »

Poll: 82% of Israeli Arabs have no desire to live under Palestinian Authority

In an Israel Hayom poll released Tuesday, 73% of Israeli Arabs feel a sense of belonging and 60% said they were “proud” to be Israeli.

By Baruch Ron


Sone 73% of Israeli Arabs feel a sense of belonging and 60% are proud to be Israelis, according to a new poll commissioned by Israel Hayom and conducted by the New Wave Research Institute that was released Tuesday. The poll questioned 426 Arab Israelis aged 18 and up, and did not include the Druze community.

Nearly two-thirds of the respondents (65%) defined themselves as not religious, while 35% said they were religious. Continue Reading »

Poll: 48% of E. Jerusalem parents would prefer Israeli school curriculum

Although the Jerusalem Municipality is investing massive resources in east Jerusalem education, including enrichment programs, a poll in the city’s Arab schools reflects a spike in preference for Israeli curriculum, rather than the Palestinian’s.

By Yori Yalon


Forty-eight percent of parents whose children are enrolled in schools in east Jerusalem do not want them studying the curriculum provided by the Palestinian Authority, according to a recent poll conducted by the Jerusalem Municipality.

Education Minister Naftali Bennett visiting Israeli classroom – Photo source: Naftali Bennett/Facebook

The city, which polled hundreds of parents of east Jerusalem students, found a sharp decline in parents’ satisfaction with the Palestinian curriculum, which is used in Arab schools in the east of the city, as well as a notable rise in demand for the Israeli curriculum. Continue Reading »

Trump wins over Clinton by 5% in Israeli absentee-voter exit poll


The research poll has the number of actual voters from Israel at 30,000, which is significantly lower than Israel’s voter turnout in 2012, which analysts suggest is because of who the candidates are this time.



If American citizens in Israel were to choose the next president of the United States, Republican nominee Donald Trump would win the election, according to the results of an exit poll taken among absentee voters in Israel obtained exclusively by The Jerusalem Post.

An Israeli soldier walks past members of the US Republican party's election campaign team near a mall in Modi'in, Israel. - Photo: REUTERS

An Israeli soldier walks past members of the US Republican party’s election campaign team near a mall in Modi’in, Israel.

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Palestinians prefer federation with Jordan over independence under their leaders


Poll conducted by A-Najar University in Nablus, found 46% surveyed said they preferred a confederation with neighboring Jordan (where a majority of the population is “Palestinian” Arab) in place of an independent Palestinian state.

By Aviel Schneider


Is an independent Palestinian state really all that important to the local Arab population? Well, not exactly, at least not according to a recent Palestinian opinion poll.

The touted two-state solution seems to be more in line with the interests of Western powers than it is for Israelis and Palestinian Arabs themselves.

Conducted by A-Najar University in Nablus, the aforementioned poll found that just 18% of Palestinians believe the two-state solution will actually resolve the conflict, and most respondents opposed the scheme altogether. Continue Reading »

95.5% of Palestinians polled view Mahmoud Abbas’ government as corrupt

Palestinians are becoming increasingly fed up with the PA leadership as billions & billions have been given to Abbas throughout the years, with the leaders, their families & close associates becoming millionaires, as unemployment grows & their economy stagnates.

By The Associated Press


A gated community of villas with well-tended flower gardens near Ramallah may help explain why Palestinians almost universally believe there is corruption in the government of President Mahmoud Abbas.

The secluded “Diplomatic Compound,” built for senior Palestinian Authority officials on subsidized land, is one of the symbols of what many Palestinians think is wrong with their leaders – that they are cut off from the people and award themselves special privileges. Continue Reading »

Survey: Netanyahu ranks among Americans in top 10 most admired men


Israel’s PM Netanyahu beats out former U.S. Presidents Bush & Clinton, as well as former GOP candidates Carson, Cruze, Romney & Rubio.

By David Rosenberg


Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is surprisingly popular in the United States, ranking among the top 10 most admired men.

Binyamin Netanyahu and Bill Clinton

Binyamin Netanyahu and Bill Clinton Photo: Kobi Gideon / GPO

According to a poll published Saturday by the UK-based YouGov polling service, Netanyahu was tied with the Dalai Lama as the 9th most admired man in the United States.

That ranking put him ahead of America’s two most recent former presidents and a slew of other celebrities and politicians.

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Survey: Israel places 11th ‘Most Happy Nation’ ahead of US, UK & France


Placing just after Sweden, the Jewish State ranks ‘happier’ than any of the Arab/Islamic states, with the closest in the Mid-East, Jordan, holding the #80 spot.

By Israel Today Staff


Israel is caught in an intractable conflict and situated in a region that is crumbling amidst religious extremist violence. And yet, Israelis are amongst the happiest people on earth, according to the annual World Happiness Report.

This year’s iteration of the global survey had Israel once again ranked as the 11th most happy nation, a position the Jewish state has held for the past three years.

The 10 countries that ranked ahead of Israel were, in order: Denmark, Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Canada, Holland, New Zealand, Australia and Sweden. Continue Reading »

Survey: 60% of Palestinians support attacking Israelis


view videoAbbas still maintains 1st-place position in terms of the public’s trust with 14% followed by Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh with 10% & jailed Barghouti with 9.9%.



Nearly 60% of Palestinians support the continuation of the current wave of attacks on Israelis, according to a public opinion poll published on Sunday.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas addresses UN General Assembly. – Photo: REUTERS

Forty-one percent of respondents oppose it.

The proportion of those who favor the continuation of the attacks was highest in the Gaza Strip (75%), while in the West Bank only about half (51%) do so. Continue Reading »

Survey: 56% of Israeli-Arabs polled feel their elected Knesset Members don’t represent them


view videoA survey published by Israel TV channel 2 shows 56% of Israeli-Arabs think condemning Saudi Arabia for blacklisting Hezbollah as a terrorist organization was not justified.

By Shoshana Miskin


Most Israeli Arabs think that the Joint List Knesset members do not properly represent them, according to a survey published by Channel 2.

According to the survey, which was completed by 350 people from the Arab sector alone, 56% believe that the Arab MKs do not represent them or represent them to a lesser extent.

On the other hand, 40% Israel’s Arab citizenry feel that the Joint List MKs represent them quite or considerably well. Continue Reading »

Palestinian poll: Over 60% won’t support current leaders


POLL: 42% of Palestinians support a 3rd intifada, Abbas would win a mere 36% of the Palestinian vote compared to Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, who would get a measly 22%.

By Elior Levy


Less than half of the Palestinians support a third intifada, a recent poll has shown, compared to 63 percent who supported the violence at the beginning of the current escalation.

Palestinian riots in Bethlehem – Photo: Reute

According to the survey, conducted last week in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, only 42 percent of Palestinians support a third intifada, a sharp drop from the 63 percent who supported it in November.

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57.2 % of Israeli Arabs: Jewish claims to Israel are equal/stronger than Palestinian


POLL: Firm majority of Israeli Arabs say Jewish claims to Israel are at least as strong as Palestinian claims.

By Israel Today Staff


A growing number, in fact now a majority, of Israeli Arabs recognize Jewish rights and claims to this land, according to the latest installment of the monthly Peace Index survey conducted by Tel Aviv University and the Israel Democracy Institute.

Jewish & Muslim families in Israel

The poll’s third question asked respondents whether they “agree or disagree with the claim that the Jews’ historical, religious, and cultural bond to the land and the Palestinians’ historical, religious, and cultural bond to the land are equally strong.” Continue Reading »

Palestinian Survey: 67% of respondents support knife-attacks against Jews


65% of the Palestinian public are in favor of Mahmoud Abbas resigning as President of the Palestinian Authority with only 35% saying that they’re satisfied with his performance.

By i24news


Two thirds of the Palestinian public want Abbas to resign and another two thirds support an armed intifada and the current wave of stabbing attacks across Israel and the West bank, a new survey has revealed.

Palestinian mourners carry the body of Mahmud Shalaldeh, 18, who was shot by Israeli troops during clashes the previous day in Hebron, during his funeral on November 13, 2015 – Photos : HAZEM BADER (AFP)

The survey conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) in cooperation with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Ramallah, asked Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank a number of questions relating to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, their level of confidence in their leaders, the future of the Oslo accords and their opinion on the Islamic State. Continue Reading »