Tag Archive for blood libel

Princeton humanities course to teach blood-libel against Israel

The Princeton humanities syllabus for next term’s course includes a book written by a passionate advocate of BDS, Prof. Jasbir Puar, who’s been claiming Israel has been harvesting the organs of Palestinians for years.

By Daniel Edelson, New York


Princeton University has included in a syllabus for a fall semester course: Decolonizing Trauma Studies from the Global South, a book written by Jsbir Puar called The Healing Humanities: The Right to Maim in which she claims the IDF was harvesting the organs of Palestinians.

In the summary of the book on which the course is based, Israel is allegedly “supplementing its right to kill with the right to maim.” Continue Reading »

Palestinian PM claims IDF soldiers deliberately spread coronavirus

Rabid anti-Israel politician claims, “We were exposed to testimonies that some of the (Israeli) soldiers are trying to spread the virus on car handles.”

By i24NEWS


Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh on Sunday accused IDF soldiers of deliberately spreading the novel coronavirus among the West Bank’s Palestinian population.

In the latest iteration of an ongoing and long-standing blood libel, Shtayyeh claimed, “We were exposed to testimonies that some of the (Israeli) soldiers are trying to spread the virus on car handles.”

Car door handle – Photo: [Illustrative] Amazon

The firebrand politician cited racism as the main motive behind the soldiers’ actions.  Continue Reading »

‘B’ Actress Tweets Israel knew about virus, put ‘lives at risk for profit’

Actress Rosanna Arquette later deleted her ‘blood-libel’ denying that she is anti-Semitic by pointing out the “Holocaust museum honored my husband because he helps survivors.”



Actress Rosanna Arquette alleged in a now-deleted tweet that Israel “has been working on a [coronavirus] vaccine for a year already” and has put “lives at risk for profit.”

“So Israel has been working on a coronavirus vaccine for a year already? (so they knew it) Vaccines take a long time to know if they are safe and KUSHNER OSCAR is the major investor in the new vaccine that is supposedly coming here. Continue Reading »

Al Jazeera knowingly airs untrue blood-libel of woman claiming to kill children when in IDF

Despite being refuted as untrue almost 4 years ago, the anti-Semitic Qatari-based TV channel still aired a report of a Ukrainian woman who claimed to have volunteered for the IDF and killed civilians—including children—during her military service for Israel.

By Itamar Eichner


The Qatari-based Al Jazeera TV network aired an investigative report last week showing an Israeli-Ukrainian woman who alleged that she murdered civilians and children while serving in the IDF.

The woman, Elena Zakusilo, did volunteer for the IDF and served in a junior administrative position, but her testimony, which was proven to be false shortly after it came out, was taken from a Ukrainian TV show called Lie Detector and aired in November 2013. Continue Reading »

PMW Report: How Abbas’ PA creates & propagates anti-Semitic propaganda


view videoPalestinian Media Watch exposes how Mahmoud Abbas and his Palestinian Authority operates a Goebbels-style propaganda machine that creates, inflates, and broadcasts locally and internationally, outrageous anti-Jewish canards.

By Itamar Marcus


(The following is a redaction of a report by Itamar Marcus. The report in its original form can be found here.)

The Palestinian Authority has revived the medieval blood libel that Jews are poisoning the wells of non-Jews. The PA even named a nonexistent rabbi and rabbinical council as being responsible for this call to poison all Palestinian water sources.

While Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas publicized this canard during his recent speech at the European Union parliament last week, the notion that Jews are poisoning Arab water supplies has become a prominent feature in local PA media outlets. Continue Reading »

Former Jordanian MP: Jews Use Christian Blood in Matzos When Muslim Not Found For Slaughter

Watch Imbecilic Statement: Former Jordanian Parliament Member perpetuates the centuries old “matzah blood libel” in Hamas’s Al-Aqsa TV interview.

By Arutz Sheva Staff


A former Jordanian member of parliament recently used the centuries old “matzah blood libel”, which claims that Jews use the blood of non-Jews to make matzah for Passover.

former Jordanian MP, Sheik Abd Al-Mun'im Abu Zant - Photo MEMRI

Former Jordanian MP, Sheik Abd Al-Mun’im Abu Zant – Photo: MEMRI/YouTube

The former Jordanian MP, Sheik Abd Al-Mun’im Abu Zant, made the comments in an interview which aired on Hamas’s Al-Aqsa TV on September 7 and in which he accused Jews of “cannibalism”.

The interview was translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). Continue Reading »

Time Inc. forced to retract blood-libel that IDF soldiers harvested Palestinian organs

Shoddy tabloid type report was based on obscure Swedish report, when the author admitted it was not based on any tangible evidence.



Time magazine on Sunday retracted allegations that Israeli soldiers harvested and sold Palestinian organs.

IDF Facebook Page

IDF Facebook Page

The magazine deleted the allegations from a two-minute video on its website about the Israel Defense Forces, writing at the end, “Correction: The original version of this video cited a contested allegation in a 2009 Swedish newspaper report as fact. The allegation has been removed from the video.”

The video (Below), titled “The IDF: A look inside Israel’s powerful military,” said the “IDF is not without controversy,” reporting that “in 2009 a Swedish report came out exposing some Israeli troops of selling organs of Palestinians who died in their custody.”

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WZO Poll: 13% of Poles Believe Jews Guilty of ‘Using Christian Blood for Jewish Rituals’

‘Blood Libel’ against Jews alive and strong in Poland as 13% still actually believe Jews use Christian blood for their ritual purposes.

How does the Church allow this to propagate? Time for the Israeli gov’t to take EU representatives to task over rampant anti-Semitism there.

By Tova Dvorin


Little has changed in the way of anti-Semitism, a new poll reveals ahead of International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Mr. Yaakov Hagoel, head of the World Zionist Organization’s Department for Activities in Israel and Countering Antisemitism, revealed Sunday the staggering results of a new poll – which shows that anti-Semitism still remains strong in Poland. Continue Reading »

Catholic Church in Poland Unveils 18th Century Blood Libel Painting

On Thursday for the Catholic Church‘s Int’l Day of Judaism, a controversial picture was uncovered to expose realities of the church’s anti-Semitic past.

By Ari Yashar


The Catholic Church of Poland unveiled a painting on Thursday that had been kept hidden since 2006, after protests from both Catholics and Jews opposed the depiction of Jews murdering Christian children in the classic anti-Semitic blood libel trope.

The painting, an 18th century CE work by Italian painter Charles de Prevot called “Mord Rytualny (Ritual Murder),” has been mounted on a wall at the cathedral in Sandomierz but hidden behind a red curtain for the past 8 years due to its contents. Continue Reading »

Court Convicts Sheikh Raed Salah of ‘Blood Libel’, Inciting Violence

Sheikh Salah, who was on the deadly Mavi Marmara flotilla, used the defense that he accused Catholics, not Jews, of eating children’s blood in their bread.

By Maayana Miskin



The Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court has convicted Sheikh Raed Salah of incitement. Salah, who heads the northern branch of the extremist Islamic Movement, currently faces other charges of incitement, as well.

The conviction relates to a speech Salah made in Jerusalem on February 16, 2007. Speaking to a crowd in the Wadi Joz neighborhood, Salah said that children’s blood has never been used to prepare the food eaten at meals to break the Ramadan fast. Continue Reading »

Muslim World still propagating Blood Libel against Jews

Prof. Moshe Sharon of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem says: Unfortunately, the “matzah blood libel” is alive & well.

By David Lev


It may seem hallucinatory in this day and age, but unfortunately, the “matzah blood libel” is alive and well. In a discussion with Arutz Sheva, Professor Moshe Sharon of Hebrew University said that there were still many instances of the false accusations against Jews for allegedly using the blood of non-Jews to make matzah, but that these accusations today are made in the Muslim world, not the Christian world, where the libel originated in 1144 with the fabricated story of William of Norwich, England. Continue Reading »