Tag Archive for Internet

Israel’s AMOS-6 satellite to transmit free internet to sub-saharan Africa


The joint venture initiated by Facebook’s Internet.org includes the Israeli company Spacecom, and French satellite provider Eutelsat, bringing internet access to millions of Africans who aren’t currently connected.

By Alexander J. Apfel, Tazpit Press Service


An Israeli space company, Spacecom, is developing its newest satellite for Facebook and French satellite provider Eutelsat, in a venture intended to supply free Internet to millions of people in sub-Saharan Africa.


AMOS-6 satilite made at Israel Aerospace Industries - Facebook Photo

AMOS-6 satellite made at Israel Aerospace Industries – Facebook Photo

The project is part of Facebook’s Internet.org non-for-profit initiative of providing affordable or free Internet to countries with limited or no access to what founder, Mark Zuckerberg describes as “the knowledge economy.”  Continue Reading »

Canadian Online Sex-Site Hack May Expose 180,000 Israelis

“The Impact Team” hack group says unless the Ashley Madison site isn’t shut down they will release personal data from the sex website, exposing millions of members’ names, financial information, nude photos & members’ sexual fantasies.

By Ilan Gattegno, Israel Hayom Staff & Associated Press


Around 180,000 Israelis, as well as millions of other people around the world, are concerned about their privacy after the parent company of Ashley Madison, a matchmaking website for cheating spouses, says it was hacked and that the personal information of some of its users was posted online.

Some 37 million Ashley Madison users may have their personal information posted online – Photo: AP

The group behind the attack is threatening to release all of the site’s personal information — including its members’ sexual fantasies, nude photos, financial information, online conversations and real names and addresses — if the company does not take Ashley Madison offline, according to a prominent security blog. Continue Reading »

What’s Israel’s internet porn consumption compared to global average?

SURVEY: With the global average of 4.21%, Israelis spend 4.16% of their Internet traffic time to pornographic sites. Iraq, at 10.27%, leads the world in traffic dedicated to porn.

By Sagi Cohen


Israelis are in a good place in the middle in terms of online porn consumption compared to the global average. According to figures compiled by Israeli information technology company SimilarWeb, an Israeli spends 3:29 minutes in each porn site he visits – slightly higher than the global average of 3:16 minutes. During that time, he enters an average of 4.27 different pages.

Porn sites are less popular than news and shopping sites, but more popular than game and travel sites – Photo: Shutterstock


About 4.16% of the Internet traffic of adult Web surfers in Israel is to pornographic sites – less than news websites, shopping sites, social networks and search engines, but more than the traffic to other popular sites. Continue Reading »

Foreign Ministry caucus seeks to eliminate anti-Semitic websites

With current laws on hate speech not being enforced, Israeli task-force of experts begin working to stop the spread of anti-Semitism in Europe by having Google remove search results that lead users to anti-Semitic, Holocaust denial websites.

By Shlomo Cesana


A special forum of some 1,000 experts put together by the Foreign Ministry has decided to act to combat the spread of anti-Semitism in Europe, including online.
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#OpIsrael: Annual Arab cyber attack hits Israeli websites

Far from the “electronic Holocaust” threatened against Israel, but an estimated 300 websites were hacked by the mostly Arab groups.

By i24news


Israel has once again become the target of a highly concerted and dangerous hacking attack with dozens of Israeli websites hacked by an offshoot of the Anonymous hacking group which calls itself AnonGhost.

In a video posted online in March, the group warned that “as we did many times, we will take down your servers, government websites, Israeli military websites, banks and public institutions.”

A spokesperson for the group, who was wearing the signature Guy Fawkes mask said Anonymous will “erase” Israel from the internet on April 7 in an “electronic Holocaust.”

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Israel’s IDF cyber-defense unit hacks Hamas’ websites as military units enter Gaza

Hamas’ official website, along with other Gaza terror sites displays error messages instead of strategic information, due to IDF hacking.




In the past, soldiers fought only by land, sea or air. On Thursday, however, Israel fought Hamas on the cyber frontier as well.


Screenshot of hacked Hamas website. July 17, 2014. – Photo: screenshot

Around the same time that IDF ground troops entered Gaza Thursday night, Israeli hackers took down a number of prominent Hamas and Islamic Jihad sites. The sites either crashed or showed error messages. The sites included Hamas’ official website, Qudstv.ps, along with Felesteen.ps Continue Reading »

Israel Police arrest 1st Jew for online incitement to violence


Police arrest a 37 yr-old Arad resident for posting incitement material on an online group called “The Jewish Gang”
• PM Netanyahu: I do not distinguish between acts of terror & incitement from either side; both will be dealt with severely.

By Itsik Saban & Shlomo Cesana


The first arrest of an Israeli Jew for online incitement to nationalistic crimes has been made. The National Cyber Crimes Unit of the Lahav 433 Major Crimes Unit arrested a 37-year-old Arad resident as part of the investigation into online incitement to racist and violent acts.

Jewish Israelis were questioned after posting material on an online group called “The Jewish Gang” – Photo: AP

Two more citizens, a 23-year-old from Mevaseret Zion and a 22-year-old from Petach Tikva, were detained for questioning over allegations of publishing online extremist material calling for violence.

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Study: Israelis Exploit the Internet More Than Europeans or Americans

Survey demonstrates Israelis pay less for it’s use, but, what do online media outlets have to do to get Israelis to spend more money?

By Amir Teig



Everyone knows that Israelis are quick to embrace new technology and are avid consumers of locally produced content. What’s surprising is that Israeli media organizations struggle to leverage these advantages in order to survive in the digital age. New and old media companies alike are fighting for survival worldwide, but because the Israeli market is a small one the stakes are higher.

Israel Supporter (Illustrative) - Photo: IsraelandStuff/PP

Israeli on the internet (Illustrative) – Photo: IsraelandStuff/PP

The most interesting conclusion of a recent survey of Israelis and the Internet, commissioned by Google from the Boston Consulting Group, is that Israeli online consumers value the Internet more than their counterparts in Europe and twice as much as their counterparts in the United States.

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Exclusive: Israel’s Arabic high-tech

With Arabic the fastest growing language content on the Internet, Arab-Israeli start-ups target users across ideological boundaries.



Six months after [Israel’s] Clalit Health Services released a series of instructional Arabic-language videos about breast feeding on YouTube, the health fund was shocked by their popularity – the combined million views they racked up eclipsed the number of breast-feeding women among the country’s 1.7 million Arab citizens.

View of theThe Arab city of Nazareth in northern Israel - Photo courtesy Wikimedia Commons

View of the Arab city of Nazareth in northern Israel – Photo courtesy Wikimedia Commons

Clalit found the solution to the mystery in the analytics: More than half of the views had come from Saudi Arabia, 16 percent from Egypt and 9% from Iraq. Continue Reading »

Israeli authorities caution public on bitcoin risks, considers regulation



Israel is considering regulating the bitcoin, the Internet’s crypto-currency, and financial authorities are warning citizens that using such decentralised virtual currencies is risky.

Money, money, money: Israel is considering regulating the bitcoin and is warning citizens of the risk of using it – Photo: Reuters

Bitcoins are passed between two parties digitally and can be traded on exchanges for real-world currencies. The bitcoin’s value fluctuates according to user demand but it is not backed by any government or central bank. Continue Reading »

WSJ reports: Israeli-US Internet shopping site files for IPO

Unnamed source reports Israeli-American e-commerce concern Borderfree, turns to Wall Street to seek $100 million in offering.


Borderfree, an American-Israeli company that is provides American retailers with a platform to reach customers overseas, has confidentially filed for an initial public offering, the Wall Street Journal reported in a blog over the weekend, citing a source it did not identify.

Israeli internet shopping  (illustrative) – Photo: IsraelandStuff/PP

The company, which was previously known as FiftyOne Global Ecommerce, is headquartered in New York, but has an office in Tel Aviv. Its clients include a number of major American retail chains, including Saks Fifth Avenue, Pottery Barn, Sears, Sephora and Neiman Marcus.

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Israel Internet Association Poll: A 3rd of Israelis are victims of cyber-bullying


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Report: Facebook/YouTube Trojan Horse Virus Hit Israel in November

An IT security company reports a Trojan horse viruses on YouTube & Facebook were among the top threats to Israeli computer users last November.

By Maayana Miskin


The ESET company has revealed the top three threats to Israeli computer-users for the month of November. All three are viruses that have been spread primarily on Facebook and YouTube.

Targeting Israel on the internet – IsraelandStuff/PP

The top ranked threat was the JS/FBOOK virus, a Trojan horse virus spread over links on YouTube and Facebook. The virus is spread via links on popular sites that lead to websites that spread the virus. Continue Reading »

Palestinian Council legalizes online dating for the purpose of marriage


Palestinian Council recognizes internet dating has become “unavoidable & impossible to prohibit completely.”





The Palestinian Authority’s Supreme Fatwa Council ruled on Tuesday that men and women are allowed to date online, but only for the purpose of marriage.
A Palestinian couple sits at the bar of a restaurant in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

A Palestinian couple sits at the bar of a restaurant in the West Bank city of Ramallah. – Photo: Reuters

The council explained that dating and chatting on social media websites, “which have hugely developed in this era, have become an indispensable necessity.”

This unprecedented ruling contradicts fatwas by many extremist Islamic scholars against the use of digital technology for dating between Muslim men and women.

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NEW: Tel Aviv-Jaffa launches free Wi-Fi network city-wide

Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai: Free Wi-Fi project is 2nd to none in size &  scope as Tel Aviv-Jaffa Municipality sets up dozens of free Wi-Fi hot spots at commercial streets, shopping centers,  parks & beaches.

By Yehuda Shlezinger and Ilan Gattegno


Tel Aviv, the city that never sleeps, is now making sure its residents and visitors can stay connected to the Internet at all times. The Tel Aviv-Jaffa Municipality has established 60 free Wi-Fi hot spots around the city, covering a total of 3.6 square kilometers (1.4 square miles), including shopping centers, main commercial streets, parks and beaches.

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