Tag Archive for Palestinian terrorism

Top German Daily: “German media: [Palestinian] Perpetrators turned into victims.”


Denouncing Germany’s ‘Fake News’ in the 2nd most read article on the popular website, Bild’s online editor-in-chief warned that  by “routinely interchanging perpetrator and victim” the German media attacks on Israel reveal its withdrawal from historical responsibility.



The online editor-in-chief of the mass-circulation Bild published Sunday a column filled with blistering criticism over the anti-Israel media in Germany during the Temple Mount clashes.

It was never about ‘metal-detectors’ – More online Incitement to kill Jews – Facebook

“No other country, which suffers under permanent terror, is reported on in Germany in the cynical, ice-cold and heartless manner like Israel is,” wrote Julian Reichelt. Continue Reading »

Several Israeli Cabinet Members Seek Death Penalty for Palestinian Mass-Murderer


Opposing the death penalty, MK Shelly Yacimovich of the Zionist Union suggests the ministers’ call for the death penalty is a “populist” ploy to replace decision-making.



Several ministers in the Security Cabinet called for the terrorist who massacred a family Halamish Friday night to be executed ahead of Sunday’s cabinet meeting.

ZAKA members clean up aftermath of terror attack in Halamish home. – Photo: ZAKA

Military courts can sentence someone to death, though the option has not been used since 1962, when senior Nazi Adolf Eichmann was hanged after being convicted of genocide and crimes against humanity. Continue Reading »

Palestinian shot dead attempting to stab IDF soldiers in West Bank

Spurred by incitement from Palestinian leadership after Israel placed metal detectors to Temple Mount’s entrance, would-be Arab assassin was neutralized, unsuccessful in harming any of the soldiers.



A Palestinian assailant attempted to stab an IDF soldier stationed near the West Bank settlement of Tekoa on Thursday afternoon, the military confirmed.

Security forces shot and killed the would-be terrorist in response to the attempted attack.

Knife from the scene of an attempted stabbing attack by a Palestinian assailant in the West Bank, July 20, 2017. – Photo: IDF SPOKESMAN’S UNIT

There were no injuries to the Israeli troops. Continue Reading »

IDF introduces new protective method for disarming terrorists without injury


The IDF has created a fail-safe system enabling it to curtail injury to a single soldier, Palestinian civilian or even a would-be knife-carrying terrorist.

By Yoav Zitun


The city of Hebron has seen an increase in the number of attempted stabbing attacks than the height of the wave of terror last year. However, in all of the attempts, the IDF and Border Police have succeeded in neutralizing the armed Palestinians with the incidents ending without injury to either the soldiers or the would-be terrorists.

Speaking in an interview with Ynet, a senior IDF officer from the Judea and Samaria Division said that the forces had caught no fewer than 25 suspected Palestinians carrying knives on their bodies at checkpoints around settlements in the West Bank between April and June. Continue Reading »

Seeking legal precedent: Israel gov’t vs. Widow & children of Palestinian terrorist for $2.3M


Jerusalem’s District Prosecutors filed suit Sunday, suing widow and 3 children of Palestinian terrorist for $2.3 million for reparations to the state in what will set a legal precedent in Israel’s future actions designed to deter Palestinians carrying out terror attacks.

By i24NEWS


Israel has filed the first lawsuit against the family of a Palestinian terrorist who carried out a car-ramming killing four in Jerusalem in January 2017.

Jerusalem’s District Prosecutors filed the suit Sunday, suing his widow and three children for $2.3 million dollars for reparations to the state in what will set a precedent for Israel’s future action against Palestinians carrying out terror attacks. Continue Reading »

U.S. Supreme Court to hear restitution arguments on Hamas suicide attack in Jerusalem


The high court said it would hear plaintiffs’ arguments seeking Iranian artifacts to cover a $71.5 million judgment, since Iran funded the two consecutive suicide bombings that were carried out in 1997 by Hamas terrorists at the Mahane Yehuda Market in Jerusalem.



The Supreme Court will hear the restitution case from a 1997 Hamas bombing in Jerusalem in which survivors are seeking Iranian artifacts to pay a $71.5 million judgment.

The high court said Tuesday it would hear arguments and determine the outcome of the case during its next term, which begins in October.

Mahane Yehuda Market.

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Denmark follows UN, Norway refusing to fund Palestinian center named after mass-murderer


Since President Trump’s speech in Saudi Arabia and Bethlehem calling on the world to stop funding the glorification of terrorists, Denmark now follows Norway & the UN, upset having been exploited to fund a Palestinian Women’s Center that’s named after an infamous terrorist who participated in a massacre of 38 unarmed civilians on a public bus.
• Israel’s PM Benjamin Netanyahu personally praised Danish PM Lars Lokke Rasmussen for his decision.



Denmark has frozen $8 million in donor funding it had earmarked for 24 Palestinian and pro-Palestinian NGOs, pending an investigation to ensure that the funds will be used for peaceful and constructive purposes. Continue Reading »

Israel Intel Report: Palestinians paid terrorists $322 million in 2016, with foreign aid


Former Military Intelligence official reports Abbas’ Palestinian Authority spent 7% of its budget for salaries and 20% of its foreign aid on paying terrorists and their families.
• Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee chairman declares, “We will tackle Palestinian incitement head on.”

By Gideon Allon


The Palestinian Authority spent some 1.15 billion shekels ($322 million) on payments to terrorists in 2016, a former Military Intelligence official revealed Monday.

President Trump tells Palestinians in Bethlehem: funding terrorism must stop. – Screenshot: White House/graphics IsraelandStuff.

The Palestinian Authority spends millions of dollars annually paying stipends to the families of terrorists who are either jailed in Israel or were killed while carrying out terrorist attacks against Israelis, a practice Israel has repeatedly condemned. Continue Reading »

UN follows Norway’s lead, refusing to fund Palestinian center named after mass-murderer


* FINALLY a change in the status quo *


Since President Trump’s speech calling on the world to stop the funding that glorifies terrorists last week in Saudi Arabia, and again in Bethlehem, Norway & now the United Nations have condemned their being exploited to fund a Palestinian Women’s Center named after infamous terrorist who took part in the massacre of 37 unarmed civilians on a public bus.
• U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres, “The glorification of terrorism, or the perpetrators of heinous terrorist acts, is unacceptable under any circumstance.”
• Israel’s PM Benjamin Netanyahu praised the U.N. for its decision.

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Palestinian shot dead while ramming car into 70 yr-old Israeli, lightly-moderately wounded


70 yr-old Israeli man determined lightly-to-moderately injured after a Palestinian terrorist drove his car into him at the Gush Etzion intersection.
– An IDF force securing the area opened fire at the terrorist’s car  neutralizing him.

By Elisha Ben Kimon

Another attack at the Gush Etzion junction. A Palestinian driving a private car hit a 70-year-old pedestrian on Wednesday afternoon, injuring him lightly. The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said that an IDF force fired at the terrorist who was killed as a result.

The IDF Spokesperson’s Office confirmed it was a terrorist vehicular ramming attack. The terrorist was identified as Suheib Mashahra, 21, from the village of Sawahra, east of Jerusalem. Continue Reading »

US Supreme Court to Hear Case of Jordanian Bank Financing Palestinian Terrorism


US Supreme Court agreed to consider reviving the Arab Bank of Jordan case, of knowingly financing Palestinians to commit acts of terrorism, including suicide bombings and other attacks, that  resulted in the death of scores of Americans.



WASHINGTON – The US Supreme Court on Monday agreed to consider reviving litigation seeking to hold Arab Bank Plc financially liable for militant attacks in Israel and the Palestinian territories that accused the Jordan-based bank of being the “paymaster” to militant groups.

Aftermath of Jerusalem bus bombing – Photo: Wikipedia

The justices agreed to hear an appeal by roughly 6,000 plaintiffs, who included relatives of non-US citizens killed in such attacks and survivors of the incidents, of a lower court ruling throwing out the litigation. Continue Reading »

American Appeals Court refuse terror suit against Palestinian Authority


The U.S Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled that the American families of victims at Joseph’s Tomb attack, won’t be allowed to sue Palestinian Authority for compensation.

By Arutz Sheva (North America Staff)


A federal appeals court in the United States ruled on Friday that the families of Jewish worshippers who were killed or wounded during a 2011 attack in Joseph’s Tomb will not be allowed to sue the Palestinian Authority (PA) for damages in U.S. courts.

The decision upheld a lower court ruling to dismiss the case, according to The Associated Press.

IDF soldiers protecting Joseph’s Tomb – Photo: IDF Spokesperson’s Unit

The attack, which was carried out by a PA security guard, killed Israeli citizen Ben-Yosef Livnat, nephew of former Likud Minister Limor Livnat. Continue Reading »

Watch: Palestinian terrorist attempts car ramming attack in Gush Etzion

The video shows female Palestinian terrorist driving her car over road median and ramming into bus-stop security barrier, in attempt to kill the waiting civilians and soldiers.
– No injuries reported.

By Kobi Finkler


A female Arab driver drove her vehicle over a curve and reportedly attempted to hit a group of civilians and soldiers who were standing at a bus stop in the Gush Etzion Junction.

MDA EMTs and paramedics are providing medical treatment to a 28 year old woman in advanced stages of pregnancy who suffered a panic attack. No injuries were reported. The driver of the vehicle was shot and is being treated by an IDF medical team. Continue Reading »

Taylor Force Bill would stop US funding to Palestinians if they continue stipends for terrorists


The Taylor Force Act is named after the former US Army officer who was stabbed to death by a Palestinian during a knifing rampage in Jaffa.
– Senator Lindsey Graham, “The Palestinians need to decide – do they condemn these horrible acts or do they reward them? You can’t be a partner in peace when you are paying people to commit terrorist acts.”



WASHINGTON – Republican lawmakers reintroduced a bill on Tuesday that would eliminate US funding for the Palestinian Authority critical to the organization’s ability to operate if it continues providing stipends to terrorists and their families. Continue Reading »

Palestinian Leadership: Exploiting Jerusalem to Facilitate Terror


When President Trump announced plans to move the US embassy to the Eternal Capital of the Jewish People, he exposed the vicious Palestinian extremism that uses threats and terror to promote a false narrative of ‘stealing Jerusalem’.

Palestinians Turn Jerusalem Into a Tool of Terror – By Noah Beck


Palestinian and other Arab leaders threatened violence in response to President Trump’s pledge to move the U.S. embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem. While Bill Clinton and George W. Bush also promised such a move as candidates, each backed off.


The terrorist who killed four Israelis in Jerusalem Jan. Continue Reading »