Tag Archive for Gaza border

Israel builds counter-terrorism maritime barrier between Israel and Gaza

The Israeli Navy installed a sensor system that detects and warns against infiltration attempts into the counter-terrorism maritime barrier, so Israel’s Defense Minister admits, ‘Every day, Hamas is losing its capability to attack Israel.’
– WATCH aerial video.

By Yoav Zitun


Significant progress in the barrier project against infiltrations from the Gaza Strip has been reported on Sunday. New images and videos show a new breakwater structure, with a high fence surrounding it, and an advanced detection system.

The construction is expected to be completed within a year and a half.

The Ministry of Defense revealed pictures and videos of the sea barrier construction site at the northern Gaza Strip border, near Zikim beach. Continue Reading »

REPORT: UN and Egypt working hard to secure Hamas-Israel ceasefire

‘Top Guns’, Abbas Kamel, director of the Egyptian General Intelligence Service and UN Special Coordinator for the Mid-East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov, are in discussions with Nadav Argaman, Israel’s Shin Bet chief to put an end to the current chain of violence on the Gaza-Israel border.

By i24NEWS


The United Nations and Egypt are close to presenting an initiative to dramatically cool tensions between Israel and Hamas, Israel’s Channel 10 reported Friday.

Months of weekly protests and clashes along the Gaza-Israel border have also given rise to an uptick on rocket attacks from the enclave and retaliatory Israeli air strikes. Continue Reading »

IDF shoots dead Palestinian, critically wounded 2nd after breaching Gaza border

Trying to prevent further threat to Israeli sovereignty, IDF responders open fire on 4 Palestinian terrorists after breaching Israel’s border fence with Gaza, attempting to torch IDF equipment.
• One terrorist was killed, a 2nd critically wounded, a 3rd arrested, and the 4th successfully returns into Gaza.

By News Agencies and Israel Hayom Staff


Four Palestinian terrorists breached the Gaza border fence Monday and tried to set fire to an IDF sniper post inside Israeli territory. Israeli forces fired at the infiltrators, killing one and critically wounding another.

No Israelis were reported hurt in the incident, which took place near Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, but the troops reported hearing shots fired in their direction, the IDF said. Continue Reading »

Palestinian terrorist blown up by IDF booby trap while infiltrating into Israel

One terrorist dead and 5 more wounded while attempting to breach Israel’s security fence with Gaza on Monday, as IDF institutes new measures at preventing hostile infiltrations by supplementing border with explosive counter-measures.

By Ynet reporters


Five Palestinian terrorists were wounded and another, killed on Monday after an explosive device planted along the Gaza border by the IDF exploded as they attempted to infiltrate into Israel.

The man killed is believed to be 24 years old.

The military has studded the security fence with explosive booby traps designed to deter in light of the upsurge in the number of attempted crossings of the border fence by Palestinians and frequent sabotaging of the security apparatus. Continue Reading »

4 Palestinians dead from Hamas’ Naksa Day riots on Gaza border

An estimated 10,000 Gazans showed up along the border with Israel to burn tires, damage security fence and infiltrate into Israel, forcing the IDF to employ riot-control techniques or firing warning shots before snipers took aim at the inciting ringleaders.
– Another 4 fires break out in southern Israel after Hamas incendiary kites crossed over the border.

By Yoav Zitun


At least four Palestinians were killed in Naksa Day protests on the Gaza border on Friday afternoon as some 10,000 Palestinians assembled along the security fence and began burning tires, hurling stones and flying incendiary kites into Israeli towns, prompting IDF snipers to open fire at violent ringleaders. Continue Reading »

Gazan’s to dress as Jewish concentration camp prisoners for Friday’s protest

Israel’s TV Nightly News reported  Palestinians will be wearing the Holocaust-like striped camp uniforms while marching toward Gaza’s border fence, with Hamas expecting them to infiltrate into Israel during Friday’s border riots.



Palestinians are expected to protest along the Gaza border fence on Friday wearing clothing made to resemble uniforms worn by prisoners in concentration camps in the Holocaust, Channel 2 News reported on Thursday.

The report says Gazans wearing the uniforms will march toward the border fence and Hamas intends to incite people to try and cross the fence.

The report also cites Palestinian media and social media saying at least 1,500 terror kites are being prepared for the protests. Continue Reading »

BUSTED: Killed Gaza medic admitted she was ‘Human Shield’ for rioters

WATCH Arabic IDF spokesman posts video proving female Palestinian medic killed during Hamas riots in Gaza last Friday trained to throw grenades, admitting she was not just an innocent ‘health worker’.
– “This proves Hamas exploits all members of Gaza society for its goals, and those of Iran.”

By Tal Polon


The IDF pushed back today against Hamas claims that a female Gaza medic killed during border riots on Friday was was merely an innocent health worker.

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IDF shot dead axe-wielding Palestinian terrorist breaching Gaza border

IDF forces open fire on two Palestinian terrorists armed with hatchets, infiltrating through the border fence into Israel from Gaza, killing one, while the second skedaddled back into Gaza.

By David Rosenberg


Two Arab terrorists attempted to infiltrate into Israel Monday from the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip. The terrorists damaged the Israeli fence on the Gaza border, and attempted to cross over into Israeli territory near Kibbutz Nirim.

Israeli security forces stationed along the border spotted the two terrorists and opened fire.

Two Palestinian terrorists destroying security fence on Border with Gaza. – Screen Shot: IDF Spokesperson’s Unit

One of the two terrorists was killed in the incident. Continue Reading »

IDF tank Kills 3 Gaza terrorists, just hours after previous retaliatory strike

Palestinian terror group Islamic Jihad vows revenge for the 3 killed from IDF tank fire, a few hours after IAF planes carried out a reprisal for 4 Gazans that infiltrated into Israel earlier on Sunday.

By i24NEWS


Islamic Jihad vowed revenge on Sunday after Israeli tank fire killed three of is members after an IDF tank fired at the groups observation post in the Gaza Strip, in response to the detonation of an explosive device on the border fence earlier.

“IDF troops detonated an explosive device that was placed adjacent to the security fence in the southern Gaza Strip yesterday, with the intention of harming IDF soldiers who were present in the area,” an army statement said. Continue Reading »

Czech FM, ‘Hamas alone responsible for Palestinian deaths during protests’

Czech Republic’s Foreign Minister issues uniquely honest statement for a European leader regarding the Gaza strip border violence, saying, “It’s also important to note…that Hamas habitually sends children to the riots’ focal points, so it could blame Israel for the deaths of children in front of the world.”
– Watch Video from Gaza

By Itamar Eichner


Czech Foreign Affairs Minister Martin Stropnický issued a public statement on his ministry’s website Thursday in which he said Hamas alone was responsible for the deaths of Palestinians during Gaza Strip border protests in recent weeks.

Czech Foreign Affairs Minister Martin Stropnický – Official DoD photo by Sgt.

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IDF tank responds to Gaza infiltration & arson on military post

After Palestinian terrorists infiltrate Israel from Gaza, setting an IDF observation & response post ablaze, an IDF tank responds in kind, destroying a Hamas observation post in Gaza.

By Ido Ben Porat


Gazan terrorists crossed the border fence south of the community of Kissufim this morning and set fire to an IDF sniper post.

There were no casualties. In response, an IDF tank attacked a Hamas observation post in the southern Gaza Strip.

IDF lookouts using the Tzayad system linking the intelligence gathering elements with the command echelon, as well as with the fire and maneuvering elements, through a network of optic fibers and encrypted radio communication in the field.

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The UN Human Rights Council, ‘Israel ignores int’l law again & again’

After the deaths of 58 Gazans killed, the UN Human Rights Council spokesman says the threat posed by Palestinians in Hamas’ organized protests is not sufficient grounds for use of live fire by the IDF.
– Turkish PM calls on Islamic countries to review their relations with Israel.
– Retired Israeli official: ‘Erdoğan and South Africa’s gov’t are the biggest friends Hamas has.’

By Ynet writers, news agencies


The United Nations Human Rights Council denounced Tuesday Israel’s actions during protests along the Gaza border the previous day, which left 60 Palestinian protesters dead and more than 2,000 wounded.

A statement on its official Twitter account said, “The rules on the use of force under international law have been repeated many times but appear to be ignored again and again. Continue Reading »

Update: 52 Gazans killed as Hamas sends violent protesters to cross border

Ahead of the US Embassy opening in Jerusalem in 3 hours, some 10,000 Palestinians have already gathered near Gaza’s border with Israel as Nakba Day begins with burning tires planting roadside bombs and clashes with IDF soldiers.
– IDF sources say Hamas will try to carry out terror attacks amidst the chaos after their infiltration into Israel along with possible attempts to kidnap soldiers.

By Yoav Zitun, Elior Levy


Some 10,000 Palestinians gathered by the Gaza border fence Monday morning and clashed with IDF forces deployed in the area ahead of the US Embassy opening ceremony in Jerusalem and the Nakba Day events. Continue Reading »

Palestinian killed on 6th and final Hamas inspired ‘MARCH OF RETURN’

In what the IDF has referred to as a violent “riot,” approximately 5,000 Palestinians participated in what Hamas planned as the final ‘March of Return’ protest on Israel’s border, that left at least 170 Gazans injured and 1 dead.



Israeli troops killed a Palestinian and wounded at least 170 protesters in the Gaza Strip Friday, Palestinian medical workers said, bringing to 44 the number killed during a six-week protest at the Gaza-Israel border.

Approximately 5,000 Palestinians have participated in what the IDF has called a violent “riot,” burning tires, hurling rocks at the security fence and at Israeli soldiers, and launching flaming kites into Israeli territory. Continue Reading »

IDF neutralized 3 Palestinian infiltrators planting bombs on Gaza border fence

As three Palestinians were attempting to sabotage Israel’s security fence with Gaza by planting explosive devices Sunday afternoon, Golani Brigade soldiers spotted the trio, opening fire that killed 2 and wounded the third.

By Yoav Zitun and Elior Levy


IDF soldiers killed two Palestinians on Sunday afternoon, and shot a third while trying to cross and sabotage the southern end of the Gaza border fence, according to the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit.

The third Palestinian was said to be in serious condition and was evacuated to hospital in the strip.

The 2 explosive devices the IDF found planted on the Israel-Gaza border, April 8, 2018.

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